Jomoro MP lauds DRIP project

The Member of Parliament for Jomoro Constituency in the Western Region, Dorcas Affo Toffey, has lauded the District Road Implementation Programme (DRIP).

The MP strongly believe the programme, if well implemented, would take off pressure on MPs who are battling with bad roads and were under pressure from constituents to fix these roads.

It would also help alleviate the suffering passengers and drivers go through in various communities that have bad roads.

President Akufo-Addo, on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 launched the DRIP in Accra. The aim is to give all the 261 metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDCE) each an earth-moving equipment to enable them reshape their respective roads.

The Jomoro MP, reacting to the DRIP, moments after the launch on her social media pages said “personally, I have single-handedly overseen the reshaping of over 50 kilometers of roads in my constituency. These include; the Ankasa Forest roads, Kablasuazo roads, Bonyere roads, Ezinlibo roads and Mpataba roads.”

Madam Affo Toffey said, “the most urgent task remains the Samenye Barrier to Half Asini road.”

She explained that, “the deplorable state of this road is a major concern, causing significant stress to drivers and other road users.”

The MP added, “I am confident that this initiative, if implemented effectively, will at least help reshape the Samenye Barrier to Half Asini road, bringing much-needed relief to its users”.


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