IGP leaked tape report: Back to sender

The Special Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry that probed the content of the leaked audio discussing how to remove the Inspector General of Police, Dr. George Akuffo Dampare from office, says Superintendents Eric Emmanuel Gyebi and George Lysander Asare lied under oath.

In its report, the Committee noted that some actions of the two officers sought to undermine the authority of Parliament, crossing the line of contempt of the House.

As such, the Committee has recommended that the two be referred to Parliament’s Privileges Committee for appropriate action.

The Committee said that Supt Gyebi, in his testimony under oath, denied ever speaking to Chief Bugri Naabu directly on the phone of Supt Asare, but he later changed his earlier testimony and affirmed that he spoke to Chief Bugri Naabu on the phone.

“And the question I quote, ‘have you ever spoken to someone on Supt. Asare’s phone who claims to be Bugri Naabu?’ And the answer I gave is incorrect. I answered no, and I want to change it to yes,” the committee quoted Supt Gyebi as saying.

It was also found out by the Committee that Supt Asare denied being present when Bugri Naabu spoke to Supt Gyebi, but changed his initial response at a later meeting.

“Hon Chairman, I want to change my answer to ‘I was there when they spoke’ because that time the question was not all that straight forward,” the report quoted Supt Asare as saying.

“The Committee is of the view that Supt. Asare and Supt. Gyebi appeared to have acted in contempt of Parliament…”

“In this regard, the Committee is of the opinion that the matter be referred to the Privileges Committee for appropriate action,” a portion of the report said.


The two have been cited for contempt pursuant to Order 30 of the Standing Orders of Parliament (2000), as revised by Order 31(f) of the Standing Orders of Parliament (2024).

It states that “any of the following acts or conduct constitutes contempt of Parliament or breach of parliamentary privilege,” and the (f) says “submission of false, perverted, misleading, distorted, fabricated, or scandalous statements in Parliament or before a Committee of Parliament.”


The 21-page report, which has been laid before the plenary, said the committee examined the evidence it gathered and found, among others, that the testimonies of Chief Bugri Naabu, COP George Alex Mensah, and Supt. Asare authenticated the audio recordings that were leaked.

The Committee, upon examining the evidence, established that “there was an attempt by COP Mensah, Supt Asare, and Supt Gyebi to conspire and cause the removal of the IGP, for which they solicited the assistance of Chief Bugri Naabu to have the President act in that regard.”

The Committee further established that the act of conspiring to replace the IGP was political, unprofessional and an act of indiscretion as serving officers, contrary to Regulation 82 of the Police Service Act, 1970 (Act 350).


The Committee, in its report, tabled numerous recommendations, including advocating a review or amendment of Article 202(1) of the 1992 Constitution and relevant statutes to subject IGP nominees to parliamentary approval.

This, the Committee argued, is to secure the political independence and legitimacy of the office of the IGP, adding that it is important to protect the appointment process from perceptions of partisanship and political manipulation and preserve the sanctity of the appointment process.

They have also recommended that the House communicate with the President to determine the appropriate action in relation to the conduct of the officers.


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