I was a mechanic apprentice before venturing into music –Lasmid

Singer and songwriter Lasmid has revealed on Onua FM his profession before entering full time music.

The ‘Friday Night’ hitmaker said he was undergoing training as a mechanic before venturing into music full-time.

The passion for music kept driving him hence he had to quit to pursue his dream.

“I was a mechanic, “Fita” apprentice (auto electronics) but I was unable to complete it. I was trained for a period between three to six months but I realized that my destiny was in music so I had to stop. The errands too were a lot,”

Although he quit halfway through the training, he still has some expertise in the field should he be guided by a pro.

“I learned a lot of things so I can determine a fault in that regard but would have to get someone to do the fixing after I have identified the problem,” he stated.

“I wasn’t forced to learn the job but I wasn’t willing to do so. It was more like I was at home doing nothing. No one forced me. After a lot of thinking, I realized I had done a lot of difficult tasks before so this was no different; it was normal. I learned the trade at Takoradi”Lasmid added.

Lasmid has said he has no regret for quitting his training to pursue music because it has been worth it.


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