How Supt. George Asare was probed over the leaked IGP audio

The Committee set up by the Speaker of Parliament is chaired by Member of Parliament for Abuakwa South, Samuel Atta Akyea, and James Agalga, Builsa North, is the Vice.

Atta Akyea: So where are you stationed currently?

Supt. Asare: Honourable chair, I’m stationed at the Headquarters Protocol Department.

Atta Akyea: You see the tape that you heard that you say there is cut and paste is what we are working with at the moment. Who were the other voices on the tape?

Supt Asare: Honourable chair, my good self, Commission of Police, Mr George Alex Mensah and chief Bugri Naabu.

Atta Akyea: How does a gentleman called Gyebi feature in this matter?

Supt Asare: Honourable chair it came to me as a surprise because the conversation ensued just between the three of us and nobody else.

Atta Akyea: Is it the case or is it not that you prepared a meeting which should be held between chief Bugri Naabu and Gyebi with President.

Supt Asare: Honourable Chair, I want to make an emphatic statement here that on that fateful day when we had that meeting in chief Bugri Naabu’s office opposite the Osu Police station, we went there on the invitation of chief Bugri Naabu and if I will be allowed to continue, chief Bugri Naabu, I got to know him through the son. And I want to put it on record that I have had three different conversations with chief Bugri Naabu in his office. First conversation was when his son by name prophet Emmanuel Teye Bugri Naabu who happened to be my friend and my spiritual father. I was in town with him and then when we were about to sign off from our mission in town, he told me commander, my father’s office is around here. I want you to go there and say hello to him. So, commander I beg you let’s go. So, I accompanied him. When I got there, I was introduced and the father was also introduced to me by Prophet Emmanuel Teye Bugri Naabu who is the direct son of chief Bugri Naabu. And then after the introduction, the two of them were conversing about one Ayittey and this Ayittey I learned was the one who was taking care of chief Bugri Naabu. You know chief Bugri Naabu is a grown up and it happens most grown-up men. There are so many things in the house that he cannot do for himself which I cannot make everything public because he is an elderly man. So, this boy who is taking care of him said he has stopped the work he was doing for chief Bugri Naabu. So, having deliberated on the issue for a while with his son, the son suggested that: Daa, commander is here. Commander has worked in Mamprobi and he is very nice with the Mamprobi people and I am sure that even Ayittey might know him So, why don’t we let Commander Asare call Ayittey and speak to him to rescind his decision. They ended up giving me Ayittey’s contact number. I called him in their presence and then told him what I have heard from Alhaji and I have been asked to intervene so Ayittey also gave me his side of the story. And what he told me I cannot make it public because it is unpleasant. It is highly unpleasant. And this is an elderly man’s matter that I’m talking about here. If you go and spew such things about my elderly father, I wouldn’t be fine with you so with your indulgence I wouldn’t go there. That was the end. We exchanged pleasantries and then exchanged contacts I left his office.

Atta Akyea: So, what was the other meetings? This was a domestic one so what are the other meetings?

Supt Asare: The other meeting, I was there one day chief Bugri Naabu called me that commander where are you? Then I told him where I was. Please can you come and see me? I want to discuss something with you. Chief Bugri Naabu after his call, sorry when he made that statement to me that I should come and see him for a discussion, I told him okay, Alhaji I will come so I went. When I went, he told me after asking me about the progress of the assignment he gave me, in respect of his assistance Ayittey, he told me commander they are looking for a new IGP oooo, so do you have somebody in mind that you can recommend and I told him of course yes so, he asked me who that person is and I mentioned COP George Alex Mensah’s name to him. And then made him know about his credentials, his academic qualification and the way he’s highly respected among the rank and file of the Ghana Police Service. There Bugri Naabu told me, as for commissioner I know him. He has come to my house before in Dansoman. It was some boys from the Jubilee House that brought him to my house. And according to my investigation, he is on retirement and I said wow retirement? Where did you get all this information from? You are not a policeman, police internal matters how did you know? So, he told me oh commander but we are also in the system so we know everything and I said okay no problem. So, I took time to let him understand that commissioner George Alex Mensah is not on retirement. Anybody that told you that told you a lie. It is a total falsehood; it is not true. Commissioner George Alex Mensah is on his terminal leave pending retirement. That doesn’t mean the person is on retirement. So, I took my time to let him know the differences between the two and then he told me that apart from him if I go and tell the appointing authority and it backfires, who else can you recommend? And I recommended three other senior commissioners; number one. COP Mr Ernest Owusu, third one COP Maame Yaa Tiwa Addo Danquah; 4th one COP Mr Christian Tetteh Yuhono and that was all. So final one, the last one that has brought this whole controversy is that, I was there on the 19th of June 2023 at 2:13, I have the records here which I will tender with your indulgence when I am done. 2:13 chief Bugri Naabu called me that commander there is good news so I want you to come with.

Voices from the committee interject: 2:13 when? Which date?

Supt Asare: 2:13 19th of June 2023. So, I should do my best and come with commissioner. Then I asked him to call him because he told me you have his number and he has come to your house. But all the same a big man who is a chief and well respected at the time not now has asked you do something for him not any bad thing that come with your commissioner COP Mr George Alex Mensah. I told him to call him and he called again. The calls were coming one too many and I was a bit surprised that what at all does this man need me for? For him to call me 12 consecutive times. 12, the last call was 5:57 more than three hours, he still wanted to see me. I never knew there was any malice and I thought that just as he called me some time ago and told me something let me go and listen to him and then when I started going, I think I had a call from commissioner earlier around 4 there about that Asare where are you? We are waiting for you. Me I didn’t know anything so I went. And when I went, if you listen to the tape the communication was already going because why I didn’t want to go initially was that you wanted me to recommend somebody to you, the person has been recommended, the person is in your office, he has come. Me I don’t need anything from you. I don’t want you to do anything for me, I am not a commissioner, I haven’t gotten to even AC or Chief Superintendent to give me a cause to have that idea, mind-set that I am closer to the seat. I am nowhere closer so the person that is closer to the seat is there with you. But since the big man, my boss himself has called me, I have to be respectful and do them the honour so exactly so I went there, met them. They were talking then he asked me, commander, what is your opinion on the performance of the IGP? And I told him my opinion. I am done honourable chair.

Atta Akyea: This narration is good for us but I asked you a question which triggered the narration so let me read to you what chief Bugri Naabu said. And this is the third meeting of the committee and I am reading from page numbered 7. Have you had the benefits of our proceedings?

Supt Asare: Yes, Mr Chair.

Atta Akyea: Okay so counsel get to the proceedings dated Monday the 28 day of August, 2023 and then page numbered 7 and I’m dealing with the last two paragraphs, a little bit down. I want to quote what chief Bugri Naabu said. “I even promised commander Asare that if he would come himself then I will go with him to the president so that I will sit down and he will talk directly to the president. He told me that day he was travelling so he wanted a man called Gyebi who is also a police superintendent to come and join me. He would equally say the same thing that they know about the IGP. So, they called Gyebi on phone, they said a lot on phone and I told him that Sunday 3 o’clock I’m going to book an appointment and go with him to the president. He said yes, he would be with me at that time. On the Sunday I called Gyebi and asked him to meet me at Afrikiko and I will drive him to the president’s place. He said he was in the Eastern Region for a programme, I said aah but you said you were coming. You people came to my office for such an important thing and now I am going to lead you to meet the president and you will not go. I was so disappointed.” Brother Asare it seems to me that chief Bugri Naabu is saying that you introduced superintendent Gyebi for the purposes of going to see the president on the matter. What is your response to that?

Supt. Asare: Honourable chair that is not true. Because I am the type that I know how to present my issues. Assuming without admitting if that was true, I will be eager enough to go and meet the president myself. Yes, when granted the opportunity. Because how many people can be granted the opportunity to meet the president then I snap a picture with him and go and put it in my hall that people will see that I am also somebody. Yes! So, I am not getting where this is coming from. I’m shocked, I’m surprised.

Atta Akyea: So, is it your case that chief Bugri Naabu is inventing a story against you?

Supt. Asare: Exactly so Mr Chair.

Atta Akyea: Okay members of the committee you’ve heard your man and these were a few introductions we have to do and now you have the space to interrogate him, who is ready to start? Yes, my good brother you can start.

Peter Toobu: Thank you very much honourable chairman. Superintendent Asare how are you?

Supt. Asare: I’m fine honourable chair

Peter Toobu: You know if I am on the mic, I expect you to be in a comfortable zone. We’ve known each other for years and you know what I stand for. You know my level of integrity and when I ask a question it is not a personal question. This is a public hearing; the public wants answers. It is an issue that has attracted so much public attention. The public is interested so to the best of your ability, you provide answers to the questions that I will ask. But never in your dream think that it is Peter who is asking questions. Yes, Peter is asking questions but I am asking questions because the public needs to know. So, you assist the committee to appreciate what we’re doing here. Before I ask my first question, I also want to appreciate the fact that the Ghana Police Service is not on trial in parliament. The committee has a simple mandate vis-à-vis the tape that has leaked so we are just going strictly according to the mandate given us. First question, you’ve spent 27 years in the service, when were you in the Upper West Region?

Supt. Asare: Honourable chair I was in the Upper Region in the year when the 2012 election results were about to be declared. No, the election petition was about to be declared so they declared the results when I was in Wa and I left Wa in 2015.

Peter Toobu: Between 2012 and 2015, did you ever see or meet chief Bubri Naabu in Wa?

Supt. Asare: Honourable chair, as I indicated earlier, the first time I met chief Bugri Naabu was when his son, Prophet Emmanuel Teye Bugri Naabu took me to his office that he was going to say hello to his father.

Atta Akyea: So, the answer is no?

Supt. Asare: Yes.

Peter Toobu: Thank you. Chief Bugri Naabu, in his evidence told this committee that the first day you met him and he asked how you got to know him, you said you got to know him in the Upper West region when he used to come to Alhaji Short and Chief Bugri Naabu acknowledged the fact that oh yes Alhaji Short is a strong NPP member and he used to come there so you can’t be wrong. Are you indicating to the committee that this is not true from Chief Bugri Naabu?

Supt. Asare: Honourable chair this is not true.

Peter Toobu: From your 27 years of experience, can you help this committee and the public that is watching how are IGPs appointed?

Supt. Asare: Honourable chair, just as you rightly said, what I know is that appointment of the Inspector General of Police is the sole prerogative of the president of the land of the republic and that is what the constitution even says, article 200 clause 1. That the president in consultation with the council of state shall appoint the IGP.

Peter Toobu; By implication, it is the prerogative of the president like you said. Is it very okay to also lobby for the position?

Supt. Asare: Honourable chair, this is my personal opinion which has got nothing with the tape but if I’m to express my opinion, lobbying has been with man antiquity. It is not today that lobbying started. Lobbying is all over everywhere. In some jurisdictions, there are some bodies that are called lobbyist. If you want them to lobby for you, you just engage them, they will do the work for you. But I haven’t lobbied for anything before.

Peter Toobu: Have you been contracted by anybody to lobby for him or her?

Supt. Asare: No Mr chair.

Peter Toobu: If I may ask you are so much experienced in lobbying in other words you have so much information in lobbying?

Chair interjects: Has he said so that he has so much information about lobbying?

Peter Toobu: Mr. Chair he said lobbying is as old as man.

Chair: He was making a general statement but he’s not said that he has so much information about lobbying.

Peter Toobu: Thank you. Let me reframe my question. Supt. Asare, in your experience regarding this matter under investigation, have you learned anything about lobbying and ethics?

Supt. Asare: No Mr chair.

Peter Toobu: As a police officer, chief Bugri Naabu’s office is not within the police facility. You felt very free in his office to discuss matters of the police to the point that you were even suggesting to him names that are clear for you so competent to become the Inspector General of Police should the opportunity appear. Is that very professional to do?

Supt. Asare: Mr chair it was a private conversation.

Peter Toobu: Counsel, if you may avert your mind to page 23 of the original transcription of the original tape. Page 23, I believe that it is the third paragraph that starts with Alhaji. Alhaji speaks. That’s chief Bugri Naabu speaks. Yeah, apart from him, there are two other commissioners who are also having their people watching. And speaker three that’s Supt Asare. He said Ernest and Maame Tiwaa. If I may ask for clarity who’s Ernest and who’s Maame Tiwaa?

Supt Asare: Honourable chair, these names have already been furnished the committee by me not quite long ago. COP Mr Ernest Owusu and COP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo Danquah.

Peter Toobu: Thank you very much for the refreshment. Alhaji says hmmm but as for Maame and you came in to say out, out, out. Why is Maame so out in your mind?

Supt. Asare: How this out, out came, I don’t know. I can’t say anything about it. It could also mean that, because it was a private conversation with somebody that we thought was respectable. Out, out, out when somebody is out, out, out to me means the person is exceptionally good to me.

Peter Toobu: It is quite interesting that the context of the conversation you endorsing some recommendations by mentioning names okay, and chief Bugri Naabu told you two other names had come. I think you were smart enough to know the system to say the two names I know it is Maame and Ernest and chief Bugri Naabu said but, please underline that word, but as for Maame and you said out. Look at the context and look at the explanation you are providing the committee now. But as for Maame and you said out, out, out.

Supt. Asare: Honourable chair, for your records I want to say that how this out, out, came I cannot sit here and tell. I don’t know anything about it and if indeed it was said it was not up to any bad intentions but for a positive one.

Peter Toobu: Thank you on the 19th of June

James Agalga: Sorry Superintendent, let’s establish something before you proceed. The out, out, out that is attributed to you, did that come from you?

Supt Asare: Honourable chair, I did indicate to you that I have no idea of this out, out, out one but assuming without admitting quote and unquote, that I did make that comment, it could be on a positive sense.

Peter Toobu: Superintendent Asare, do you know the role of the Police Council visa-vi the appointment of Inspectors General of Police?

Supt Asare: Mr chair, I have never had the opportunity to work with the Police Council but with appointments with Inspector General of Police, I have made it clear to the committee.

Peter Lan: If I can recall what you said, it is the prerogative of his Excellency the President to appoint in consultation with the Council of State. And you and I know that the Colice council provides strategic and policy advise on matters of the police to the president. The question I want to ask, which role do you think chief Bugri Naabu will be playing to facilitate the appointment of an IGP?

Supt Asare: Honourable chair, chief Bugri Naabu as we all know is a politician. He was the regional chairman for the NPP in the Northern Region. And now he is a National Council member and when we met in the course of our conversation, he did indicate that he recommended the current IGP to the President. So, he made that statement and if a politician tells you this as to whether or not it is true, you leave as it is because I don’t need any appointment and I wasn’t again as well lobbying for anybody.

Peter Toobu: If you look at regulation 82 (1c i), and if I may read that just to refresh your memory. Regulation 82 of CI 76 in other words Ghana Police Service Regulation 2012, (82) -Major Offences: It is a major for an officer to engage in any activity outside official duties which is likely to involve the officer in political controversy. I am very happy that you know that chief Bugri Naabu is a politician and a very seasoned one as such, a former Northern Regional chairman of the NPP and a National Council member of the NPP. Discussing matters of the appointment of the IGP with chief Bugri Naabu and mentioning the name of the Executive Secretary to the President, Mr Asante Bediatuo’s name in the discussions. Do you in your own professional mind believe that this will not stoke political controversy?

Counsel for Asare: Mr chair we will want to object to this question. It is our considered view that answering this question may lead to the witness incriminating himself because number 1, it is a legal question. Honourable member has already referred to the Police Service Regulations, the title is major offences and he going to answer in that manner may lead to unforeseen circumstances. My Lord we would want to object to it.

Chair: You see, my humble view is that he was just telling him what he should know as a senior police officer. So, when he brings to the fore the position of the law vis-à-vis his conduct, he should just comment on it. Whether he wanted to violate the laws of the service or not. Or what he said is something that, I don’t want to have to answer it. But I do not believe that this can give him troubles because bear in mind the trouble already is on the audio. Nobody is going to create any trouble for anybody the trouble is already on the audio and the whole world has heard the trouble. So, please I don’t believe that this is an unfair question and it will have self-incriminating consequence for Superintendent Asare.

James Agalga: Chairman, except that maybe honourable Peter should lay the foundation whether those words attributable to him are true that would then form the basis for the second question. Because there is a certain assumption that he said them without first establishing from him.

Atta Akyea: You see Superintendent, the reason why I am quiet looking at you like that is that when he says certain things and attribute them to you and you know that you didn’t say it what do you do? So if he comes out with an assumption and then you believe that the assumption is wrong, I am not saying it’s wrong or it’s right, it depends on you so counsel I know that this is a very senior police officer and he has the benefit of two lawyers so listen to the questions critically because some times what he’s trying to put across is an assumption of truth and whether you accept the assumption of truth or not it is up to you. So honourable would you want to probably rephrase and help him to answer and trust me if it is self-incriminating, we will let you know that look, you shouldn’t answer but I don’t believe that this is self-incriminating.

Counsel: We are grateful.

Peter Toobu: Thank you very much Mr Chairman but Supt. Asare himself knows that I will not push him in the corner that he will suffocate.

Atta Akyea: He doesn’t know because you used to be a police officer and sometimes as if you are romancing the person to put him in a corner to suffocate so I don’t trust your bonafedes.

Peter Toobu: Thank you very much Mr Chairman, let me lay a proper foundation.

Supt. Asare: My course mate

Atta Akyea: He is what?

Supt. Asare: My course mate at the police training school.

Atta Akyea: Amazing. Woow

James Agalga: That’s why he laid the foundation

Atta Akyea: Amazing. Well, but I can assure your that per my training as a criminal attorney, you should be careful whether he is not leading you to a blind alley. You have those things. This what you people use in tricking witnesses and all that.

Peter Toobu: Thank you very much Mr Chair, let me just lay a foundation. Page 22 of the original transcript. Counsel if you may just get it. Page 22, in the middle, after speaker 3 says thank you, Alhaji continues If I will try and read the Twi; Sɛ me ka kyerɛ mo sɛ me kura bomb. M’ato bomb baako. To wit, I told you I had a bomb, I dropped one. That is Alhaji and you came in to say; me tesɛ odi Bediatuo koraa dwuma sɛ ɔnnka – he has not been telling him the truth. To wit, I said I heard the President reprimanded Bediatuo for that, it seems he doesn’t tell him the truth. Alhaji came back to say; wo seɛ? to wit pardon me and you came in: Me sɛɛ me teese president no deɛ Bediatuo koraa dwuma sɛ ɔnnka he has not been telling him the truth to wit I said I heard the president reprimanded Bediatuo for that. He has not been telling him the truth. Alhaji came in and said yes, yes, yes and commissioner Mensah ended that page by saying that Bediatuo does not tell the president what’s is going on. And I am asking a question; you are a senior police officer here is what you said about the involvement of Bediatuo on his whole matter.

If you go to page 23 just the first paragraph; Nnɛ me ne Nana Addo wofase. Sɛ wo nim area mama? Ↄsɛ now everybody has put a blame on Bediatuo. And the question I was just asking the president’s wofase area Mama is coming into the picture, the Executive Secretary to the President is coming in the picture and presumably the statement in there which is quite dangerous, the President’s Executive Secretary doesn’t tell him the truth. And I am asking a question; if you look at regulation 82, 1C1 which talks about the ability to be able to prevent yourself or absorb yourself from political controversy and as a professional police officer, I was just asking a simple question. Do you believe that this did not qualify that you stoke political controversy in the system?

Supt Asare: Mr chair, I think this question comes in two forms; one, comment about Nana Asante Bediatuo and the second is also about Area Mama. Honourable chair, these matters were strictly private and confidential matters which I did not intend to make it public and I do not intend to do so.

Peter Toobu: Thank you. Since you do not intend to progress from that angle and the chairman is quiet it means that chairman does not have a problem with your position. And if I may end, do you know how chief Bugri Naabu and Supt Gyebi met? Do you know how they met?

Counsel: Mr chair we would want to object to this question.

Atta Akyea: Sorry about that. What was the question? I was slightly distracted by the consultant on some other matter. What was the question?

Peter Toobu: Chief Bugri Naabu indicated to this committee that you introduced Supt Gyebi to him but I was just asking a very simple question; do you know how they met whether it was your introduction that qualifies for the first meeting or they knew each other before you got them together?

Counsel: Mr chair, we think that no proper foundation has been raised in this question. The witness has already indicated that he never did any introduction between Gyebi and Alhaji. So, therefore asking how they met creates the impression that he has already admitted there was a meeting and he has to now explain how they met. We believe that it is not proper.

Atta Akyea: But you see, this is not even a matter of law. The big man here should be able to say that honourable I have never admitted that I have introduced Gyebi and therefore your question is wrong in the first place and then you go on. They are very simple matters oooo. You see the legalities is what should concern you. But I am sure he is very good enough to understand if you like the inherent contradictions of what he’s saying because you have told the committee that I have never introduced Gyebi to anybody so he should repeat it. I expected him to say that no. So, counsel I think that your client is very safe and very intelligent. Both of them are policemen so you should understand where he is going. The police they have a way of asking question but when another policeman is asking another policeman there shouldn’t be a difficulty. Unless there is a legal trap and trust all of us here, we will protect him. You know the number of lawyers who are here? We will protect him. I did not believe that this is a serious question which is self-incriminating. I am only craving the indulgence of my colleague to land and I am also praying that Supt Asare is listening well please.

Supt. Asare: Yes, Mr chair.

Peter Toobu: Before I land, as the chair puts it, none of us here has the interest to incriminate anybody. No. Chief Bugri Naabu made some assertions and if it has to do with you, it is an opportunity for me to put it before you so that at least you have the chance to say yes or no because it means a lot to your own integrity. Chief Bugri Naabu has appeared before the committee and say; I spoke with Supt Gyebi on phone on phone in my officer and Supt Asare was there. Is this assertion true or not?

Supt Asare: Mr Chair, the assertion is false.

Peter Toobu: Mr chair if I am permitted to stand down now if I may come back later in other words this is how far I can go.









Atta Akyea: Honourable Patrick Boamah will have his turn                                                 Patrick Boamah: Thank you Chairman, I have a few questions, some few questions for Supt. Asare, or Chief?

Supt. Asare: Superintendent, Hon Chair.

Patrick Boamah: Very well. Thank you. You’ve told this committee that your closeness to Chief Naabu was as a result of his son being your spiritual father.

Supt. Asare: That is so, Hon. Chair.

Patrick Boamah: How long have you known the son please?

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair, if I’m not mistaken, I’ve known Prophet for about two years. I know him but that time he wasn’t my friend, but since we had that bond, is about two years now.

Patrick Boamah: Just two years?

Supt. Asare: Yes Hon. Chair.

Patrick Boamah: Does he operate a church or just freelance?

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., he only prays for me anytime we come into contact. and is a friend that introduced him to me that he is a pastor, he is a prophet, he is very good, and ever since I met him, err, I’ve seen some changes, he’s given me some directions, some of them worked, yes.

Patrick Boamah: So, haha, have you, haha..I want to yield to the Chair

Atta Akyea: Yes, (clears throat) Supt., (clears throat) yeah, you’ve said a man should prophesy for you, and as a senior police officer, you didn’t investigate his bona fides, where he was functioning from, and the rest of it, is that what you want the committee to believe?

Supt. Asare: Err Hon. Chair., I know he has a church, but I have never been there. He, he, I mean he prays for me on phone, yes, and I could remember there was a time, err no, no no no no, when was that? When was that? The second time I went there, the second time I went to Bugri Naabu’s office on his invitation. I suggested to him after our deliberation, that he should help the son, to get his own church, because according to him, he is following somebody, and it’s not helping him, so he wanted to have his own church so Alhaji should help him. And Alhaji asked me, err, so as you told me, he prays for you, does his prayers work? And I asked him Alhaji, (laughs), your own son, you don’t trust him, (continues laughing), why do you do that? Hehe just help him, find his own church, whether his prayers work or it doesn’t work. That one we’ll all take it from there. What he needs is his own church building. Yes, I remember I had that discussion with Chief Bugri Naabu.

Atta Akyea: But did he prophesy to you that you will be taped? Or he didn’t prophesy to you that you’ll be taped

Supt. Asare: (Laughs) Hon. Chair., even our almighty TB Joshua that is known in our Sub Region as most powerful spiritually, his church building collapsed on his church members and he didn’t know. So, it will be difficult for men of God to see everything. Sometimes certain things may escape you as human as you are.

Atta Akyea: Hon. Boamah you’re in the prophetic. Move on

Patrick Boamah: (Laughs) I don’t want to assume that responsibility chairman (continues laughing). So, you had three encounters with Chief Naabu; one with his son; two when he invited you and asked for suggestions for a new IGP. The third one was a meeting on the 3rd June, 2023 at 5:57pm, you said to us, good. Where were you in 2012, 2016 and 2020 during the elections?

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., 2012, I was the District Crime Officer, Tesano and Hon., Member was my MP then in Ayawaso, erh Okaikoi Central then, and 2016…

Patrick Boamah: 2012 I was a candidate

Supt. Asare: You were a candidate yes, you were a candidate, that’s correct. And you won

Patrick Boamah: I did

Supt. Asare: And 2016, I was in Mamprobi, errm 2020 headquarters, headquarters, Police, National Headquarters.

Patrick Boamah: So, you’ve never supervised an election as a District Commander or a Divisional commander?

Supt. Asare: Mr. Chair., the election, the election 2012, I supervised the election in my area of responsibility, in Tesano.

Patrick Boamah: But you were not the District Commander, or the Divisional Commander then.

Supt. Asare: I was made the one in charge, the task force, the security taskforce. But the deployment and everything were done by my commanders, the District Commander and the Divisional Commander.

Patrick Boamah: Okay. This whole enquiries or probe, is about suspicions of a politically favoured Inspector General of Police, who could influence an outcome of an election, that’s why I ask you where you were in 2012, 2016 and 2020. Can you tell this committee whether that is possible?

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., if you may repeat the question

Patrick Boamah: The discussions between Commissioner Mensah and Chief Naabu was to get a favourable IGP who could assist the government of the day, in election, if you listen to the tape well.

Supt. Asare: Mr. Chair., the question is now clear, the meeting that we had with Chief Bugri Naabu, had gotten nothing to do, or had nothing to do with politics, at all, and I repeat, at all. Chief Bugri Naabu invited me that I should come with him, my first invitation, unless of course somebody tells me err if somebody is a politician, when even he asks you of your name you’re not supposed to answer. Politicians are brothers, they are our friends, some of them are our mates, like my brother, err Hon. Peter Toobu. I cannot say Peter Toobu is now a politician so I shouldn’t talk to him, no. It got nothing to do with politics, at all.

Patrick Boamah: So, this mafia, supposed mafia in elections that was discussed on the tape, and you have the benefit of the transcript, do you agree with that please? Supposed mafia, exhibit 1, page 4. I know you were not there, but you’ve had the benefit of going through the transcript, and I want to find out from you, whether you believe that in elections or organization of elections, as it was discussed in the tape, there can be some mafia work, in quote as was stated on record.

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., as you rightly said, when that particular statement was made, I wasn’t there, but listening to the tape, if I’m to give a comment on that, what I have to say is that, me, you have had the opportunity to see my work in your constituency, and Hon. Peter will attest to the fact, that I’m the type my one is one, my two is two, I don’t lie. My one is one, my two is my two. What is good for the goose is equally good for the gander. What you aren’t supposed to do, I’ll never encourage you to do, especially if I’m supervising or I’m part of the operational team, no way. Anybody that knows me will tell you, you can do background checks about me. I don’t believe in mafiarism.

Atta Akyea: you see, it’s not that you don’t believe in mafia, he’s just trying to pick your brain, thus a serious police officer of long standing, is it the case or is it not, that in an electoral competition, there could be tendencies of people trying to use mafia, so they win elections. That’s all he’s asking.

Supt. Asare: Hon. That is something that is supposed not to be entertained. It is not a good thing

Atta Akyea: Yes, it’s not to be entertained, I agree, we know it’s very wrong. But is there a likelihood or is it, can it even be the practice based on your experience that in an electoral competition, of the nature we have in this country, as who should be an MP and a president, some people could use mafia tactics. Do you believe in these things or you think that it’s somebody’s imaginations?

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., mafia tactics we hear after elections, people complain, news publications, you hear that this thing happened here, this thing happened here, and I see them to be mafia tactics, which shouldn’t be entertained.

Atta Akyea: So, you want to admit that there can be the possibility of the political players trying to use mafia tactics to get electoral advantage over their opponents as a senior police officer?

Supt. Asare: Exactly so, Hon. Chair.

Atta Akyea: Yes, that’s all he’s trying to say

Patrick Boamah: Supt., on that fateful day when you went to Chief’s office, at about 5:57 pm, who were the other people in that office?

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., I went to meet two persons; one, Chief Bugri Naabu, two, my boss COP George, COP Mr. George Alex Mensah.

Patrick Boamah: And what was the subject matter for that meeting?

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., when I got there, the meeting had almost ended. If you… err… okay. When I got there, the meeting had almost ended. And from my deductions, I saw that Chief Bugri Naabu wanted to tell us that there is going to be possible changes in the top hierarchy of our work, and that it could be possible commissioner will get the nod. As to whether or not he was lying, I cannot tell.

Patrick Boamah: So, the discussion was on who becomes the next IGP?

Supt. Asare: Yes, Hon. Chair.

Patrick Boamah: And you have arranged for Commissioner Mensah to see Chief Naabu?

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., that is not it. As I did indicate, our visitation to his office, was at the instance of Chief Bugri Naabu. I didn’t arrange whatsoever for any meeting.

Patrick Boamah: So, the entire Police Service, Commissioner Mensah meeting Chief Naabu, there couldn’t have been any other officer to have joined that meeting than Supt. Mensah? Asare, sorry.

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., it was because I introduced, or recommended him to Chief Bugri Naabu

Patrick Boamah: So, you were the fixer?

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., fixer as in what?

Patrick Boamah: The go between Commissioner Mensah and Chief Naabu

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., I’ll dispute this, that’s not true, that can’t be correct

Patrick Boamah: But you were the same person who mentioned the names of Commissioner, Tiwa, Ernest Owusu and Yohuno to Chief Naabu?

Supt. Asare: That is correct Hon. Chair.

Patrick Boamah: So, you were in the process of influencing the appointing authorities through Chief Naabu for any of these four people to be the next IGP?

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., I was just expressing my opinion, just an expression of an opinion, because I do not have the capacity to appoint an Inspector General of Police. I’m too small.

Patrick Boamah: After that meeting in Osu, you met with COP Mensah?

Supt. Asare: No Mr. Chair.

Patrick Boamah: You didn’t call him?

Supt. Asare: I cannot recall, but he’s the type… you know Mr. George Alex Mensah is the quiet type, very quiet, he doesn’t talk. My Hon. brother, Hon. Peter Toobu can attest to this fact that he’s the quiet type. He doesn’t talk at all. Had it not on that day when he was seated by my right-hand side, I never knew he could talk like that, even though he thought me at the police college, yes, that is all that I know. He doesn’t talk. So, for me to be calling him, no, no, no, unless he calls me.

Patrick Boamah: You have a lot respect for him

Supt. Asare: That is correct, Hon. Chair.

Patrick Boamah: And he appeared here and said that the police administration is not being managed properly by the current IGP. What do you, what do you have to say to that?

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., as humble and obedient servant as I am, who am I, to sit in public and comment about the performance of my IGP or the police administration? I can never pass comment in public like that

Atta Akyea: Excuse me. But would you be able to be honest professionally, and comment on the performance of the IGP and the police service in camera?

Supt. Asare: Exactly so

Click on the link to continue

How Supt. Asare was probed over the leaked IGP audio part 2


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