How Supt. Asare was probed over the leaked IGP audio part 2


Patrick Boamah: You have a lot respect for him

Supt. Asare: That is correct, Hon. Chair.

Patrick Boamah: And he appeared here and said that the police administration is not being managed properly by the current IGP. What do you, what do you have to say to that?

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., as humble and obedient servant as I am, who am I, to sit in public and comment about the performance of my IGP or the police administration? I can never pass comment in public like that

Atta Akyea: Excuse me. But would you be able to be honest professionally, and comment on the performance of the IGP and the police service in camera?

Supt. Asare: Exactly so

How Supt. George Asare was probed over the leaked IGP audio


Patrick Boamah: Well, so if you can comment in camera, then it’s a good idea. We would want to hear you on that. So, is it not the case that there are about 19 officers at the inspection unit of the service instead of four as alluded to by Commissioner Mensah?

Supt. Asare: Mr. Chair., in as far as I’m concerned, that statement made by my commissioner, was a statement of fact.

Patrick Boamah: It was a statement of fact?

Supt. Asare: Yes Mr. Chair

Patrick Boamah: Is it the case that there are some officers due for promotion that, believe that their promotions are being syphoned by the IGP?

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair., not quiet ago, not quiet long ago, I drew your attention to the fact that, there are some comments that can be passed in camera, and there some others, that can be passed in public. Any attempt to make any statement in public that will seek to downgrade the very service in which I find myself, I’ll be doing in public, I’ll be doing myself more harm than good.

Atta Akyea: So why didn’t you tell the Hon. Member that lead me not into temptation (all laughs) eehh you should’ve just told him and then you…

James Agalga: I think Hon. Chairman, for the sake of consistency, you know the other day, I had tried to ask a number of questions bothering on similar issues, but I thought the consensus built was that some of those things be dealt with in camera, so I think we‘ll have to be consistent here and oblige the witness opportunity to make some of those disclosures in camera.

Atta Akyea: Thank you Vice Chair. Hon. Boamah please continue

Patrick Boamah: Mr. Chairman I have two, just two questions, so the decision is that, the question of the performance of the IGP and promotions in camera. Thank you. Were you in Kumawu for the by-election please?

Supt. Asare: No Mr. Chair.

Patrick Boamah: Assin North?

Supt. Asare: No Mr. Chair.

Patrick Boamah: That’s about all Chairman. Thank you

Atta Akyea: The Honourable member and my brother who has a lot of understanding in agricultural matters (all laughs). I don’t know, I don’t know if you’ve been pencilled as the minister for Agric designate.

James Agalga: I think eh, let me ask Chairman a question. Is that an admission that the break the eight mantra will fail? Hahaha

Atta Akyea: I have to overrule this (all laugh), please proceed

Eric Opoku: Thank you very much Mr. Chairman, eh once you people break at eight, we’ll continue. Mr. Chairman, my first question to Commander Asare, is that eh, your narrative before this committee this morning is gripping but incomplete. You indicated to the committee that, Chief Naabu asked you of your opinion about the performance of the IGP, and to quote you, you said, “and I told him,” Is that opinion captured in the audio before the committee?

Supt. Asare: Hon. Chair., in my earlier statement to the committee, it was clear that the tape is incomplete, incomplete. Whoever masterminded that tape, which of course you’ll get to know by the close of day. If not today, maybe I don’t know when the in camera will take place, but before I sign out, you’ll understand everything. I, I’ll end it here.

Eric Opoku: Supt. Asare

Supt. Asare: Yes, Hon Chair.

Eric Opoku: I think I asked a very simple question. You have indicated to this committee that Chief Naabu asked you about your opinion on the performance of the current IGP, and you said you told him of your opinion, and I’m asking whether that opinion you expressed is captured in the audio before us or not?

Supt. Asare: Honourable Chair., this additional information as regards the tape that has been played here in about three consecutive occasions, there was nowhere in the tape that this statement was made, and you can allude to that fact. It is a fact! I gave it as an additional information, which was not captured in the tape, just to make a point that the tape is doctored.

Eric Opoku: So, you think that when the original tape is found, your opinion relative to the performance of IGP will be heard, in the audio?

Supt. Asare: For now I don’t know Mr. Chair.

Eric Opoku: An opinion about the performance of the IGP to Chief Naabu, you did?

Supt. Asare: Honourable Chair, that meeting was private and confidential, and in confidential matters or private matters, let me tell you honourable Chair, supposing every conversation that people have in privacy comes to public domain, I tell you, in a matter of hours, society will come to a halt. If you hear what people talk about you in privacy, you’ll never come to Parliament again. I’m being honest with you. In privacy, so many things happen.

Atta Akyea: Superintendent, you’re preaching to the converted, and you shouldn’t be doing this pontification at all. We’re aware, we’re aware of what happens in private. But he’s asking a very simple question. He’s asking that, you have said on oath that the tape is doctored, and that you expressed an opinion about the performance of the IGP, is it true or false? That’s all he wants to know. That you ever expressed an opinion about the performance of the IGP?

Supt. Asare: Honourable Chair. That is true

Eric Opoku: That it’s true that you expressed your opinion about the performance of the IGP to Chief Naabu, is that what you’re saying?

Supt. Asare: Honourable Chair., that opinion was in response to a question posed to me during the meeting by honourable, by Chief Bugri Naabu.

Atta Akyea: So, the answer is yes

Supt. Asare: Yes

Atta Akyea: So sometimes say yes and don’t add more

Supt. Asare: Yes please

Eric Opoku: And you say to this committee that you cannot repeat the same opinion here because of the cameras, is that what you’re telling us?

Supt. Asare: Exactly so

Eric Opoku: And so, the assurance is that, if you’re given the opportunity, you’ll do so in camera?

Supt. Asare: That’s correct Honourable Chair.

Peter Toobu: Superintendent Asare, I don’t know why you struggle to simplify matters. Is it wrong for a police officer to express an opinion about the performance of his boss or her boss? Is it wrong? Why are you struggling to answer the question?

Supt. Asare: Honourable Chair. not in public. You can, but in privacy you can, but not in public, you cannot

Eric Opoku: Hon Peter Toobu asked you a question about area mama. There’s a statement in the audio that is attributed to you. The statement says that, I will like to quote from page 23, speaker 3, the first one, speaker 3, “Nnɛ me ne Nana Addo wofase. Sɛ wo nim area mama? Ↄsɛ now everybody has put a blame on Bediatuo to wit, today, I was with Nana Addo’s niece, you know area Mama, she says everybody has put the blame on Bediatuo. This is a statement captured in the audio as having been made by you. And when Honourable Toobu asked you about Area Mama, your answer was that it was a private conversation, and therefore you wouldn’t want to make a comment on it. Is this, do you confirm that this is a statement that you made?

Supt. Asare: Yes, Honourable Chair.

Eric Opoku: But you cannot disclose the details to this committee because of the cameras, is that the case?

Supt. Asare: Honourable Chair. I’ve not said so

Eric Opoku: Okay. Area Mama told you that everybody is imputing the blame on Mr. Bediatuo, is that correct?

Supt. Asare: That’s not correct Honourable Chair.

Eric Opoku: But you earlier on admitted that you made the statement, and that’s what the statement says

Supt. Asare: Honourable Chair. Yes, indeed I admitted, but it was a hearsay

Eric Opoku: Hearsay from where?

Supt. Asare: Eavesdropping, I was somewhere, people were having their conversation and I also heard it

Eric Opoku: Commander Asare, I read this statement being attributed to you, to you, and you said yes, it is your statement. Ant that statement says, Nnɛ me ne Nana Addo wofase. Sɛ wo nim area mama? Ↄsɛ now everybody has put a blame on Bediatuo to wit, today I was with Nana Addo’s niece, you know area Mama, she said everybody has put the blame on Bedietuo. So, you are rather telling Bugri Naabu, Chief Naabu and the COP Mensah of what Area Mama told you. And so why are you talking about hearsay. Because you were reporting a statement having been made to you by Area Mama.

Supt. Asare: Honourable Chair., I do not want to go into the details of this matter, because it was a private conversation, it wasn’t meant for public consumption.

Eric Opoku: Commander, I think earlier on, I asked you this question, and you said no, you said no. I asked you whether you said you didn’t want to discuss the details here because of the cameras, you said no. Do you want to change that answer?

Supt. Asare: Honourable Chair I don’t remember making that statement, I don’t remember, you can take me back well.

Atta Akyea: You said that you know. Senior, you should take it easy, ahaa, you should take it easy. Do not confuse an otherwise very good thing you’ve started. You’ve told this committee, I’ve been listening to you critically you know, your, your counsel is here too, and I’m always looking into the eye of your counsel, that there are certain things about the IGP and the police service that you cannot say on camera. But when we have an in-camera hearing, you’ll be able to say it. Do you want to change this narrative?

Supt. Asare: Honourable Chair. I still stand by that narrative.

Atta Akyea:  That’s all, that is where he’s taking you, you can’t see? Yeah

Eric Opoku: So, you said it was a hearsay, and then you eavesdropped. What exactly do you want to tell us relative to this particular statement? What is the hearsay about this?

Supt. Asare: Honourable Chair., just as I did indicate earlier, that granted the opportunity to speak to this matter, in camera, I’m more than prepared to do so.

Eric Opoku: I just want to look at this matter of hearsay, because I drew your attention to an emphatic statement that you have made, and then under oath you have admitted that indeed you made the statement. And then when I asked you further questions relative to the same statement, you said oh it’s a hearsay, and I wanted the committee to be very clear in our mind. When you talk about hearsay relative to this, what do you mean?

Supt. Asare: Honourable Chair, I want to remain on my stand that granted the opportunity to speak to this issue in camera, I’m ever prepared to do that.

Eric Opoku: Would you want to withdraw that hearsay statement. Would you want that to be withdrawn or expunged from the records, because you have earlier on accepted the statement as your own statement, an? so there shouldn’t be anything like hearsay relative to this. Do you want that to be expunged from the records?

Supt. Asare: Yes, Honourable Chair.

Atta Akyea: Okay so, the part of the proceedings in which the witness said the matters concerning Area Mama and Bedietuo is hearsay, and what other word was used? A hearsay and what? Eavesdropped, are hereby expunged it from the records.

Eric Opoku: Thank you very much Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman these statements or particularly this statement is already in the public domain because of the audio, and everywhere in this country and across the boundaries of our country, everybody now knows that this is a statement that emanated from you. So I was of the view that, looking at the way you have been explaining matters before this committee, you do yourself some good by getting the public to know what exactly transpired relative to this statement. But if you prefer in camera, we’ll take it like that and then proceed. Then just beneath this one, there is another statement, Bedietuo and the man are like this, Dampare, he has been the course of all the problems. So, Alhaji today, I want to hear something good. Commissioner is here, and he’s the one. As I have already told you, every policeman… and then it ended. This is also captured in the audio as your own statement. Do you also confirm before this committee that this is your statement?

Supt. Asare: Honourable Chair., with the greatest of respect, I want to be silent on this issue.

Atta Akyea: That’s not what he is saying. Supt Asare, oh please confer first, so let the record reflect that Supt. Asare is conferring his counsel.

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair, we are done.

Atta Akyea: Supt. Please, with the greatest of respect what he is doing with you if you are not careful, I am a chairman I don’t have to say it – the consequence of what you are attempting to do. He is merely bringing to the fore what is on the table, that’s all he’s doing. So, if you confirm what is on the tape say so, say yes, I confirm what is on the tape. But to dilate on it I might want to do it in-camera, simple. But immediately you distance yourself from what is on the tape, so please the difference is very thin but be careful. Be very, very careful. So honourable I crave your indulgences if you can ask him the question again to refresh his memory. And Supt. Asare do you want to drink some water? You see if you are challenged, we can excuse you but if you want to drink some water it helps you know.

Supt. Asare: Mr. Chair I’m okay.

Atta Akyea: You are okay

Eric Opoku: Thank you very much Mr. Chairman so commander Asare the question was a simple one, a very harmless question that on page 23, just beneath the first statement that we just talked about. There is another statement that reads, Bediatuo and the man are like this, Dampare, he has been the cause of all these problems so Alhaji today I want to hear something good. Commissioner is here and he is the one as I have already told you, every policeman….and then it ended. And I asked, do you confer that this is your statement?

Supt. Asare: Exactly so hon. Chair.

Eric Opoku: So, when you say he has been the cause of all these problems, what specific problems were you talking about?

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair I’m not ready to talk about this matter. I want to reserve my right to remain silent on it.

Eric Opoku: Commander Asare I known as a trained police officer you have investigated into several matters and you are trained on how to conduct investigations and get the relevant information to proceed with whatever you want to do. I hope you do not intend to hide any relevant information that you know from this committee, is that correct?

Supt Asare: That is correct hon. Chair.

Eric Opoku: And so, when you indicate that somebody is the cause of all the problems, the name of the person is mention. In fact, Bediatuo is a very prominent person in the current government and so if he is the cause of all these problems. Do you think that it will not be relevant for us to know the problem that you are talking about?

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair I insist on my earlier response.

Atta Akyea: Superintendent

Supt. Asare: Mr. Chair

Atta Akyea: He asked you a very simple question that if you don’t intend to conceal material evidence from these committee, and you said yes. To follow up then what you want to remain silent about will you be good to divulge in full and in honesty in-camera?

Supt AsareHon. Chair, with your indulgence it was a rumor I picked and I spoke to Alhaji about it.

Atta Akyea: Senior Police Officer, you are very confident to peddle rumors. Oh, hmmm

Supt Asare: Hon Chair

Atta Akyea: Yes

Supt. Asare: This was a private conversation

Atta Akyea: It doesn’t matter. You see I’ve never met you that we had a private conversation but I’ll feel very offended that at your level of experience or intelligence you will be peddling rumors to me. We should be above rumors, with some substance and truth. That’s what you should be doing, the state depends on you so we can go to bed. Imagine your intelligence on the way we should run the system is on rumors is fatal to our security or you don’t know? Why are you saying these things? Do you want us to give you a break? We are not in a hurry. You matter to us. Do you need a break?

Supt Asare: Not now hon. Chair, lets proceed.

Atta Akyea: Sorry. You want to proceed?

Supt. Asare: Yeah

Atta Akyea: Okay.

Eric Opoku: So, the rumor was that Mr. Bediatuo was the cause of all the problems. Is that the rumor you were talking about?

Supt. Asare: That is correct hon. Chair.

Eric Opoku: And because it was a rumor you didn’t even bother to know the problems is that not the case or you know the problems?

Supt. Asare: Hon chair, the rumors I have made my position clear especially when you asked about the performance of the IGP I told you in-camera the statement I made I will make it known to you. But if it’s about the rumor then it will be a most laborious task. We hear rumors everyday so if you make it a duty to investigate every rumor then you’ll be in trouble.

Eric Opoku: What about if you make it a duty to spread rumors?

James Agalga: Supt. when you heard the rumor, did you do any verification; did you take pains to confirm what you heard?

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair it was a social discussion so I didn’t bother to check.

James Agalga: Do you regret peddling the rumor in question given that you didn’t do any verification but you put it out there to the hearing of Chief Bugri Naabu?

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair, on hind sight yes, because I didn’t know that they were going to make it public.

Eric Opoku: Commander Asare, you gave a very insightful explanation about lobbying and looking at the engagement clearly, you were lobbying Chief Naabu. You wanted Chief Naabu to work towards getting COP Mensah I mean appointed as IGP. Is that not correct?

Supt. Asare: Mr. Chair, far from that. That is not correct. It was Chief Bugri Naabu that invited me to his office and the records are there.

Atta Akyea: That is the first answer, you’ve not answered the second. Were you lobbying or not? oh.

Supt Asare: Hon Chair. That was why I said far from that I wasn’t lobbying for anybody.

Atta Akyea: You should say so

Eric Opoku: So, when you said I want to hear something good; what was this something you were expecting?

Supt Asare: Hon chair it is because he said that the commissioner that is admirable to almost all the police men well respectable granted the opportunity to be the head of the Ghana Police Service, policemen will go gay. So basically, that was the feeling I expressed and it wasn’t because of lobbying.

Eric Opoku: And so, you wanted, as you have already alluded to, COP Mensah to become the IGP and that is what you were talking about just now is that not it?

Supt Asare: Hon chair, granted that he is given the nod I will be happy. And it is worthy of note that every policeman my good brother and mate now hon Peter, every politician’s dream is that one day he will be a minister or a president.

Atta Akyea: You are mistaking, why are these things? You are mistaking.

Supt Asare: And the police service, police constable that joined the service today, his or her dream is that one day one day he will be the IGP. So, if a whole commissioner who joined the police as a chartered accountant, now he is a commissioner becomes the IGP why not? He will be happy and some of us who have worked under him and know his capabilities will also be happy.

Peter Toobu: Chairman permission to just help my brother. You know this is a public hearing, whatever you say here the public is listening. Commissioner Mensah didn’t join the police as a Chartered Accountant that correction ought to be made. The current IGP became a Chartered Accountant before Commissioner Mensah and that is how come he became Superintendent before Commissioner Mensah just for the record, thank you.

Supt Asare: Well noted hon. Chair.

Eric Opoku: And so when you said I wanted to hear something good, that good was COP Mensah becoming the IGP, is that not correct?

Supt Asare: Yes hon. Chair.

Eric Opoku: And then on page 24 you indicated hmm so I should go and look for my white dress? So when you had the assurance you wanted to be sure so that you go and prepare your white dress for the celebration. Is that not correct?

Supt Asare: Yes, hon chair. Black men, when we hear good news, you will be in your white apparel.

Eric Opoku: And the good news is that the current IGP is removed and COP Mensah installed. Is that correct?

Supt. Asare: The white apparel matter I alluded to, it was made out of the statement or in response to the statement made by Chief Bugri Naabu. But removal and appointment you and I do not have any right to do it. It is the sole prerogative of the president.

Eric Opoku: So, you claim that the white dress comment was in response to a statement made by Chief Naabu. What was that statement?

Supt Asare: The statement you just made. You just made a statement. Hon. Chair I can’t repeat anything you say here verbatim like your verbatim transcription of the audio tape, I cannot do that.

Eric Opoku: What I said was that you made your white dress comment after Chief Naabu assurance that the current IGP will be removed and your favorite, your brother your boss COP Mensah will not be removed. Is that not correct?

Supt. Asare: That’s correct Hon chair

Eric Opoku: And so, were you not lobbying?

Supt Asare: Unless I am been given a different definition of lobbying, I wouldn’t take that as lobbying.

Atta Akyea: Were you lobbying or you were praying? Which is which? Tell the Committee. Were you lobbying or you were praying that your friend becomes the IGP or hoping?

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair I was given a information and I was happy. I was just asked to make a recommendation to somebody and I did that and the person is saying what he told me it is going to be done and I was happy.

Eric Opoku: Who sent Commissioner Mensah’s CV to Chief Naabu?

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair I don’t know. As commissioner himself rightly said that before he went there with me, some people had already taken him to see Chief so I would not know.

Eric Opoku: Did you play any role in Ayawaso by-election?

Supt Asare: Of course, yes

Eric Opoku: What specific role did you play?

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair during the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election within the constituency I was the District Commander for East Legon. Ayawaso West Constituency has 11 electoral areas and I think about two or three Bawaleshie, East Legon, and Christian Centre electoral areas fell within the East Legon district out of the 11 electoral areas. The deployments and everything were done by the Regional Command so they decide who should be part of the deployment and who should not be part. So, in their wisdom I wasn’t made part of the deployment but what I remember is that when the confusion erupted at a polling station closer to the NDC candidate’s house, my regional commander called me and told me that this is what is happening this is his intel that there was a total confusion at the place I just mentioned. So, I should quickly mobilize men and go there. And as humble and obedient servant there was nothing I could do than to comply. I did exactly that and when I went there, I used whatever technique that I had to restore calm in the area. That is all that I know about it.

Eric Opoku: On 19th of February 2019, there was this publication that was made from proceeding of the commission that investigated into the Ayawaso barbarity; East Legon commander lied, Accra Regional Police Commander tells Short Commission. The Greater Accra Regional Police Commander has dismissed an earlier statement by the East Legon Police Commander that is you that he was sidelined during the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election. This is a statement made by the Commander DCOP Edusei Sarpong. What do you say to this?

Supt Asare: Thank you Mr. Chair this is my former Regional Commander. I cannot use the word he lied but he said I lied. I didn’t hear but I read it. But what I can say here for the records is that I disagree with him.

Eric Opoku: Did you appear before the commission?

Supt Asare: Of course, yes.

Eric Opoku: And then you said you were sidelined in the by-elections, is that not correct?

Supt Asare: That is correct.

Eric Opoku: But today, you have told us a different story that your Commander charged you with a responsibility relative to the by-elections. Is that not what you are saying?

Supt Asare: Errm hon. Chair, maybe you didn’t get me right. The statement I made was that the deployment was done at the regional level and I went further to say that Ayawaso West Wuogon constituency has 11 electoral areas, yes, and out of this 11, three falls with East Legon police district so I was expecting that I made this statement at the commission that this is my district a by-election is going to be held here, I am the Commander then the deployment you have taken my name out. So, at the Emil Short Commission they inquired as to whether or not when I saw that my name wasn’t in the deployment did you complain to anybody and I said yes. If you can still recall, I said yes; I complained to my boss he was then Chief Supt Mr. Akwasi Fori and at the commission I kept referring to him as Akwesi Fori if you remember and our retired IGP Mr. Kwasi Acheampong was correcting me that I should mention his name he is my senior man, I don’t have to just call him Kwasi Fori, I was going to repeat it here too. Chief Supt Kwasi Fori was my friend, yes, so that was how I was calling him Akwasi sometimes I call him Akwasi you see. So, if I say that later on the fact that you have not been deployed doesn’t mean that you’re not work. I am the District Commander, I am not part of the exercise but something is happening and they have called you, why? Was I on leave? Was I sick? I was on duty something has happened; he may have a very fine reason why he called me to that assignment. So, that is not to say that I was deployed. The fact that I was not deployed doesn’t necessarily mean that should something untoward happens within your district you will not go there. That I will not construe it to be deployment, hon. Chair.

Eric Opoku: And so, when you appeared before the commission and then spoke under oath that you were sidelined you spoke the truth. Is that not correct?

Supt Asare: When I told the Emil Short Commission that I was sidelined, of course, that was the truth

Eric Opoku: And the then Regional Commander also appeared under oath indicated to the commission that you lied. And you’re saying that he was being economical with the truth.

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair, I want to repeat myself that, in the deployment, police service before you go for any operation, they will select men to go and do it. And I was pained in making that statement at the commission that I have complained to you at the region level that I am the commander there why are you taking me out, to the extent that my command car was taken away from me you understand. If I was part of the exercise, why would I complain? I was not part. But after they had done it and something happened, they will call you it doesn’t matter that you were not deployed I wasn’t part at all. I still stand by the statement I made. I didn’t lie so the statement that I lied I wouldn’t say my master lied but I will say that I disagree with him.

Eric Opoku: Lets proceed. Now page 21 of the transcript down there, there is speaker three, have you seen it? M’ate sɛ ɛnkyɛ, page 21, na ɛnɛ me nim sɛ ya ba yi commissioner nu aba yi deɛ mo de bɛ bɔ yɛ ni mmom. Mako didi m’ahyɛ me white agu hɔ, to wit, I have heard it will not keep long but today I know that today coming here since the commissioner himself is here you will handle it right. I have eaten I have prepared my white attire. This is captured in the audio as a statement having come from you. Do you confirm this?

Supt Asare: Yes hon. Chair.

Eric Opoku: When you said to Chief Naabu that you will handle it what exactly were you talking about? You will handle it. I know because the commissioner is here today, you will handle it. What exactly were you talking about when you said you will handle it? What was he to handle?

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair, as you rightly said, chief Bugri Naabu did state that “ɛnkyɛ, ɛnkyɛ koraa no yebeyi nu” but what is contained in the tape is ɛnkyɛ. That was why initially I said the tape is doctored. He made a complete and emphatic statement and as I told you I will be happy if COP George Alex Mensah is made the IGP.

Eric Opoku: Then there is this statement, page 22, “mete sɛ odi Bediatuo koraa dwuma. Ɛyɛ me sɛ ɔnnka nokwer3 nkyerɛ no, to wit, I heard he reprimanded Bediatuo it seems he does not tell him the truth. Is it also your statement?

Supt Asare: Hon. I’m happy you furnished us with verbatim transcription of the audio tape and as you are in no doubt aware, what I see here is speaker it could be anybody. I don’t remember making such a statement. I don’t remember.

Counsel: Then page 24, Alhaji spiritually you are the controller. This statement is also attributed to you. Do you confirm?

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair, yes

Eric Opoku: What is the meaning of that statement, spiritually you are in control, what do you mean?

Supt Asare: Hon. What I meant by that statement is that Chief Bugri Naabu made an emphatic statement that this thing, I just want to quote him verbatim but it will be difficult but all that he was trying was that this thing you have to fight it both physically and spiritually and then he gave us examples by those examples, people that he helped them fight for the position spiritually. It was a private conversation so I don’t want to make it public here. But the spiritual one he went further to show us which places that he can go so it was on the premise of this that I made that statement that Alhaji this one deɛ you’re the boss oo because you made us understand that I didn’t even know that when you are fighting for a position you have to fight it in two ways both spiritually and physically.

Patrick Boamah: Chief Asare you are a man stiped in religion and Christianity and you went there for the first time with a prophet who intercedes on your behalf so what was going through your mind when they were talking about other things in a different realm?

Supt Asare: Fine question hon. Chair, very fine question. In fact, as I did indicate, there are so many issues with this tape. The one who doctored it actually meant something evil because this is a conversation that we have had. What was going through my mind I said it but it wasn’t captured in the tape that honourable as for master, he was there, as for master I don’t think he will like these things. He is a staunch Christian. So, I don’t think he will buy this idea of fighting this thing spiritually.

Patrick Boamah: So, the spiritually in the context of that discussion was juju or other things?

Supt. Asare: Hon Chair, he mentioned some Imams that he can help them pray for him. I mean some Imams that can help him in prayers.

Patrick Boamah: What were they going to be doing apart from praying for him?

Supt Asare: Hon chair for prayers it is a matter of belief. Me as a Christian that is what I believe that if you conceive it in mind that the prayer will come into fruition so shall it be. If your mind is that it will not work it will not work. That’s my simple understanding of the whole thing.

Peter Toobu: Hon chair, just a second. Supt. Asare.  The son of Chief Bugri Naabu, Prophet Emmanuel Bugri Naabu coincidentally happens to be your spiritual guidance and you go to the father and the father says this matter we have to add spirituality why didn’t you avail your mind to the fact that this is the father of the prophet speaking?

Supt Asare: Hon Chair, Chief Bugri Naabu gave two options. Not even options he mentioned two ways that whiles fighting it physically you can fight it spiritually. And the spiritually myself I am in no doubt aware that commissioner COP George Alex Mensah is a staunch Christian and we made that statement known to Alhaji but he insisted that he has to also see some mallams. So, he recommended about three in the North even in his statement he said it in the tape, and in his evidence-in-chief to you he stated it that some from his village he mentioned it here. So, it was Chief Bugri Naabu himself that came forth with that suggestion.

Peter Toobu: You see, Mahatma Gandhi said something one time, he said I like your Christ but I don’t like your Christians because your Christians are unlike your Christ. You and Commissioner Mensah are staunch Christians. Lucky enough for Commissioner Mensah, Supt. Asare has a prophet in the name of prophet Emmanuel Bugri Naabu and here is a matter that has come and spirituality has come to play. Did you draw the attention of commissioner Mensah instead of listening to the direction of Bugri Naabu lets use the prophet because you believe so much in the prophet who happens to be your personal prophet?

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair, belief system is relative to people, what you believe in somebody might not believe in it. So, forcing your belief system in somebody to me is not improper. But this particular one it was Alhaji and master knows he was a Christian and he was well aware that he will resort to his Christian prayers but in addition to that Chief Bugri Naabu wanted him to as well allow him to consult some mallams for him and that was why I said, Alhaji this one deɛ it is your job so now problem, you can do it if you can help.

Eric Opoku: You have mentioned three things. I just want you to clarify which one is accurate. Earlier on you indicated that Chief Naabu mentioned some places and then you came back to say that he mentioned some Imams and then thirdly you said some Mallams. Which of the do you standby?

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair I was using them interchangeably. The Mallams and the Imams they are the same people. They place, they are in places so I was just using those words interchangeably, yes.

Eric Opoku: You mentioned places or Imams, which one?

Supt Asare: The Imams or Mallams, they are in places.

Eric Opoku: He mentioned their names?

Supt Asare: Oh no. He didn’t mention their names

Eric Opoku: Did you approve this spiritual thing? When the man said you should go the spiritual way did you approve of it?

Supt Asare: I told him you are the controller because I don’t believe in those things but if you insist then you are the boss.

Eric Opoku: So, you did not approve of it?

Supt Asare: I did not approve of it because I don’t do those things.

Eric Opoku: Okay, page 24, top there – speaker three, hmm Alhaji but you know why you will not… I told him you cannot he doesn’t…

Supt Asare: Hon. Chair, which place is this?

Counsel: Page 24. I read, but you know why you will not…I told him you cannot. He doesn’t only contrast. You also go spiritual way and then you responded. Speaker three, okay. What is the meaning of okay here.

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How Supt. Asare was probed over the leaked IGP audio part 3


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