Godwin Avenorgbo’s Last Roll Call

The Ghana Journalist Association held a special Anniversary lecture at the plush ultra-modern executive La Palm Beach Hotel Homowo Conference Center in the evening of Friday 16th August 2024. Courtesy of GTV, the programme was beamed live on television and I watched the proceedings in my office.

The late, Godwin Avenorgbo

Suddenly I saw on television the legendary senior journalist GODWIN AVERNOGBOR wearing a whitish northerner’s smock with a white shirt giving a speech. At one stage in the course of the programme, Godwin stood up at where he was sitting and started dancing alone to an acapella by some GJA executives.

As I watched the programme, particularly when he was dancing. I remarked! “Look at good old Godwin Avenorgbo …”

Reader, it was Friday evening. By Tuesday, Godwin Avenorgbo had left this world, to join his ancestors in the other world.

The year was 1984. I was then a hot headed freshly retired Captain from the Army, student at the Ghana Law School and a stuff of the Ministry of Energy. My two closest friends at the time were two journalists. Godwin Avenorgbo of GBC and Enimil Ashon of the Ghanaian Times.

We were the movers and shakers of the Entertainment Critics and Reviewers Association of Ghana regularly organizing programmes making ECRAG Awards in the entertainment industry.

We used to hold regular meetings at SILVER CUP Restaurant opposite ATTC long since demolished for a Bank to be built there.

I found Godwin a very interesting very affable fellow, verypractical, down to earth, a friend to all, but firm. At tines we would argue for hours on end at ECRAG meetings often just on principles.

In those days, 1984-1986, Godwin Avenorgbo of GBC was the MC of the moment, officiating at every executive programme in the city.

I very well remember the night at Nkrumah Circle when we held a vigil for the slain revolutionary leader, SAMORA MACHEL of Mozambique.

Godwin was the MC. In the course of the programme, I climbed the dais and whispered to him:

“Godwin, can I see the programme? We of ECRAG should be given an opportunity to pay a tribute to Samora Machel …”

Godwin Avenorgbo in full public view but speaking undertones looked at me, smiled and said “Effah, look-there is no programme…” he showed me a paper he was holding… there was only one word written on it “Machel”.

I remember one night at the now defunct Star Hotel at Cantonments there was an executive high-class programme and Godwin was the MC. During a little break, Godwin, myself and Enimil were aside, sharing banter and Godwin said … can you imagine, I had to go and buy this suit only this afternoon”

Godwin Avenorgbo was truly a very good friend.

May the Good Lord receive his soul in eternity.

Written by Nkrabeah Effah-Dartey


Editor’s note: Views expressed in this article do not represent that of The Chronicle


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