GJA lauds professionalism of police

The President of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) Albert Kwabena Dwumfour has praised the Police Service for the professional manner they handled the recent demonstration organised by the Democracy Hub, a pressure group.

According to him, the Police were professional in the face of what appeared as extreme provocation on the side of demonstrators.

“I want to commend the Ghana Police Service for exhibiting a high level of professionalism and restraint during the recent three-day protest against Galamsey by some individuals. We note some excesses and provocations that occurred during the demonstration, and the GJA condemns these excesses,” the GJA President in his address at the 75th GJA awards in Accra.

Similarly, a former Deputy Attorney General, Dr Dominic Ayine, has also condemned the conduct of the demonstrators.

Speaking during a Television discussion this weekend, Dr Ayine emphasised that while the right to protest is protected under the constitution, violence should never be a part of such activities.

He stressed that peaceful demonstrations are an essential part of democracy, but the actions of some protesters who resorted to violence undermine the cause they are advocating for.

According to him, such behaviour only escalates tensions and complicates the relationship between citizens and law enforcement.

“The blocking of traffic is something that is condemnable, the attempt to engage in fisticuffs with police is something that we should condemn. Having said that, I do not think that the activities they engaged in are sufficient reasons you say they should be detained without bail. That is where my concern is,” he said.

Meanwhile, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo says Ghana values the safety of journalists and media freedom, and will continue to create a harmonious environment for the media to thrive.

“My Government remains committed to ensuring every journalist in Ghana can work without fear.

“Those who attack journalists attack democracy itself, and such actions could not, and cannot be tolerated,” he assured while addressing a media awards’ ceremony to climax the Ghana Journalists Association’s (GJA) 75th anniversary, in Accra.

The President, speaking on the topic: “75 Years of Excellence in Journalism: The Role of the Media in Democratic Governance and Elections”, said achieving good governance hinged on a vibrant media.

No democracy could function properly when journalists were under-siege, he noted, saying the Ghanaian media’s role in upholding the rule of law had been phenomenal.

The media, he noted, had been instrumental in sustaining the gains made, following the restoration of democratic governance in 1992, which ushered in the Fourth Republican Constitution.

He acknowledged that, through advocacy work, the media had helped to shape opinions towards good governance in a manner making Ghana the beacon of democracy in sub-Saharan Africa.

“As I end my Presidency, I would like to extend my personal appreciation for the partnership we have shared.

“It has been an honour, to engage with the media as President and I look forward to watching the growth and development of journalism in Ghana from a different vantage point after retirement from public life,” he noted.

The President highlighted the dangers inherent in spreading false news, as well as misinformation, disinformation and sensationalism.

That tangent posed a significant threat to building a well-informed society and democracy, he stated, urging journalists to resolve to adhere to professional ethics in their work.

It was the duty of the media to ensure facts prevailed over falsehoods at all times, he said.

Mr Charles Abani, the United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator for Ghana, said the UN was committed to supporting the Government to foster an environment where free speech was respected.

“Ghana has made significant strides in creating an environment where journalists can operate freely, contributing to the nation’s democratic vibrancy,” he said.

Acknowledging the gains made by the media over the last seven decades, he noted that by dint of hard work, journalists had been vociferous in championing the cause of humanity.

He paid tribute to those who had fallen in the line of duty for their courage, perseverance and selflessness in championing the cause of press freedom.



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