Giorgia Meloni sworn in as Italy’s first female prime minister

Hard-right leader Giorgia Meloni was sworn in as Italy’s first female prime minister amid looming questions over her coalition partners’ stance towards Russia.

The 45-year-old leader recited the ritual oath of office before Italian President Sergio Mattarella on Saturday after her party Brothers of Italy won more than 25 percent of the vote in snap elections in late September.

She pledged to act “in the exclusive interests of the nation” – a promise then repeated by her 24 ministers, six of them women.

The ceremony took place a day after Meloni along with her coalition partners – hardliner Matteo Salvini of the League party and Forza Italia’s TV tycoon Silvio Berlusconi – unveiled their cabinet. The government is expected to face confidence votes in parliament next week.

Forza Italia’s Antonio Tajani is now the country’s foreign minister. He has a long history with European institutions and was president of the European Parliament in 2017.

The economy ministry will be in the hands of League’s Giancarlo Giorgetti who is considered relatively pro-Europe, and one of the most moderate among party members.



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