Ghana’s Long-Term Development Strategy – What Are We Waiting For?

As a nation, we cannot continue to ignore the need for a comprehensive development plan. The cycle of abandoned projects and lack of continuity between governments has hindered our progress and left our citizens suffering. Mr. President, don’t you think it’s about time we worked on this? infrastructure, including roads, hospitals, schools, and security systems, are in a state of disrepair.

The lack of a unified development plan has resulted in a piecemeal approach, with each government starting new projects without completing existing ones. This wasteful approach has led to a staggering amount of wasted resources and unfulfilled promises.

The consequences of this approach are far-reaching. Our citizens are denied access to basic services, our economy suffers, and our nation’s growth is stifled. The time has come for a holistic development plan that prioritizes the needs of our citizens and sets a clear path for our nation’s future.

A comprehensive development plan would ensure that projects are completed, regardless of changes in government. It would foster collaboration between ministries, agencies, and stakeholders, promoting a cohesive approach to development. This plan would also prioritize sustainable development, addressing the environmental, social, and economic needs of our nation.

Learning from African Success Stories

Ghana can draw inspiration from other African countries that have successfully implemented long-term development plans. Rwanda, for instance, has made remarkable strides through its Vision 2050 plan. This ambitious strategy aims to transform Rwanda into an upper-middle-income country by 2035 and a high-income country by 2050.

Vision 2050 is built on five key pillars: high standards of living, modern infrastructure, economic transformation, a capable and responsive state, and global and regional integration. Rwanda’s commitment to this plan has resulted in significant improvements in infrastructure, healthcare, and education, setting a shining example for other nations.

Similarly, Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), which began in 2010, has been pivotal in driving economic growth and reducing poverty. The GTP focuses on key areas such as agriculture, industrial development, and infrastructure.

By prioritizing these sectors, Ethiopia has experienced substantial economic growth, improved transportation networks, and increased access to healthcare and education. Ghana can learn from Ethiopia’s integrated approach and focus on sectors that drive sustainable development.

The Components of a Holistic Development Plan for Ghana

  • Infrastructure Development: Roads, bridges, and transportation networks are the veins of a nation. Ghana needs a comprehensive infrastructure plan that prioritizes the construction and maintenance of roads and transportation systems. Consistent investment in infrastructure will enhance connectivity, facilitate commerce, and spur economic activities.
  • Healthcare: The health of a nation is its wealth. Ghana’s healthcare system requires a robust framework that guarantees access to quality healthcare for all citizens. This includes building and equipping hospitals, training healthcare professionals, and ensuring the availability of essential medicines and technologies. Rwanda’s healthcare reforms, which have focused on universal health coverage and community-based health insurance, can serve as a model for Ghana.
  • Education: Education is the foundation of development. Ghana must focus on improving the quality of education from primary to tertiary levels. This involves upgrading school facilities, investing in teacher training, and developing curricula that meet the demands of the modern world. Countries like Botswana have made significant investments in education, resulting in high literacy rates and a skilled workforce.
  • Security: A secure environment is essential for development. Strengthening the security apparatus, including the police and military, to ensure peace and stability is paramount. This also involves investing in technology and intelligence to combat emerging security threats. South Africa’s focus on modernizing its security forces and adopting advanced technologies can provide useful insights for Ghana.
  • Economic Diversification: Ghana’s economy has traditionally been reliant on commodities like cocoa and gold. Diversifying the economy to include sectors such as technology, manufacturing, and tourism can create jobs and reduce vulnerability to global market fluctuations. Nigeria’s recent efforts to diversify its economy by investing in agriculture, technology, and entertainment offer valuable lessons for Ghana.

Political Will and Public Participation

For a holistic development plan to succeed, it must be insulated from the vicissitudes of political change. This requires a national consensus and commitment across the political spectrum. Political parties must agree to uphold and continue development projects initiated by their predecessors, recognizing that national interest supersedes partisan interests. Public participation is also crucial.

The development plan should be a product of extensive consultations with various stakeholders, including civil society, business leaders, and ordinary citizens. This ensures that the plan reflects the aspirations and needs of the people and enjoys broad-based support.

 The Role of Technology and Innovation

In the digital age, technology and innovation play a pivotal role in development. Ghana must leverage technological advancements to drive its development agenda. This includes adopting e-governance to enhance transparency and efficiency, investing in ICT infrastructure, and fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among the youth.

Kenya’s strides in technology, particularly in the fintech sector with the success of M-Pesa, demonstrate how innovation can transform an economy. By investing in technology, Ghana can not only improve governance and service delivery but also create new economic opportunities.


The path to sustained development lies in the adoption of a holistic development plan that addresses the nation’s critical needs while anticipating future challenges. Such a plan requires relentless political will, broad-based support, and a commitment to continuity and excellence. Mother Ghana is crying for a development plan that will heal her wounds and propel her into a future of prosperity and stability.

By drawing lessons from successful models in other African countries and tailoring them to our unique context, we can chart a course towards a brighter future. It is a collective responsibility to ensure that the dream of a developed Ghana becomes a reality, not just for us but for generations to come. The time is now, and we must seize it.

By: Wisdom Koudjo Klu,


Editor’s note: Views expressed in this article do not represent that of The Chronicle


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