GFGF offers free medical services to host communities

Gold Fields Ghana Foundation (GFGF) has organised a free health screening exercise for its host communities at Hunniso. Hundreds of the residents who availed themselves were medically screened for Malaria, Blood Pressure, Hypertension and given free drugs.

Hunniso residents undergoing free health screening

Dr. Charles Kobina Yirrah, Medical Officer at the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital Emergency Department, a beneficiary of the GFGF Scholarship Scheme from Second Cycle through to Tertiary, together with other medical practitioners took the beneficiaries through the screening exercises.

Speaking to the media, Dr. Charels Yirah explained that during the screening, the team observed that for those above 40 years, most of them were hypertensive and that his team even detained four of them.

“We will be conducting further investigation to find out if they have other conditions that predispose them to this disease,” he said.

He explained, however, that those who were diagnosed with minor health problems were provided with medication, while those with complicated health issues were given referrals to the hospital for treatment.

That apart, they also recorded cases like high sugar level, Malaria and general body pains.

For the children, some, he indicated, were anaemic because of poor nutrition. As a result, the team decided to deworm all children.

Dr Yirrah commended the GFGF for the health screening exercise, saying “l have been part of this outreach programme since 2018 and its good the foundation initiated it because most of the people in the Mines operational area do not have either time or funds to go to the hospital to seek medical care when sick.”

He further commended the Foundation for prioritising the health and welfare of the people living in its host communities, hence the free medical outreach at their doorstep annually.

The Assembly Member for Huniso Electoral Area, Philip Enwurnee, lauded the Foundation for providing quality healthcare for his people, same as the medical team for educating them to start living a healthy life.

The Odikro of Huniso, Nana Nveeda urged the public to make regular health checks and exercise periodically.

According to him, he neither knew he had a problem with the eye nor having high blood pressure until he took part in the medical outreach.

He, therefore, advised his subjects to have routine health check-ups.


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