The deputy premier of the German state of Bavaria, Hubert Aiwanger, has been asked to explain his role in a schoolboy anti-Semitic pamphlet. The populist conservative leader denies writing the Auschwitz pamphlet which mocked the Holocaust but he has admitted having it 35 years ago.
Conservative Premier Markus Söder has asked Mr Aiwanger to reply to 25 questions on the controversy. Bavaria holds key elections on 8 October.
Mr Söder met the leader of his coalition partner, Freie Wähler (Free Voters), on Tuesday and called for full transparency. He said there was “no place for anti-Semitism in the Bavarian government”.
The state parliament has demanded an emergency statement. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called for clarification too, after the newspaper revelations of Mr Aiwanger’s schoolboy activities emerged at the weekend in the left-leaning Süddeutsche Zeitung.