Gambia Ports Authority Impressed with GPHA’s Business Model

Members of the Board of Directors of the Gambia Ports Authority (GPA) have praised the leadership role the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority has assumed in its business development activities.

In addition to the success chalked by the Authority in port concession arrangements, the group was particularly impressed with the incorporation of health services into the business development strategy of GPHA.

They made this known when they visited the Port of Tema on a bench marking exercise that seeks to monitor port concessions at Ghana’s ports.

According to the Gambia Ports Authority, this study will provide valuable insights and best practices that will enhance the Authority’s operations and decision-making processes and strengthen their knowledge and skills in managing port concessions and landlord responsibilities.

The 5-day visit aligns with the policies of the Port Management Association of West and Central Africa, which recommends member states to inter-learn best practices from each other.

They toured of one of GPHA’s flagship business units, the International Maritime Hospital, a one-stop tertiary health facility that serves Ghana’s maritime industry and beyond.

Led by the Hospital Administrator, Adam Musah, the staff of IMaH apprised the delegation on how the hospital is being positioned to provide world class health care for Ghanaians and non-Ghanaians.

The Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Transport of Gambia, Matarr Cesay said, “We are very impressed with what we have seen, the services and the facilities located here. Part of the visit today is actually part of the study tour to look at the marine sub-sector and see how we can learn and see what Ghana is doing, and as the ministry responsible for transport and public policy, we can use this help to actually develop our subsector.”


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