Feature: What to know about Ramadan


Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, and Muslims believe that this was when the Qu’ran was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Muslims observe Ramadan by fasting from dawn until dusk, praying, reflecting and helping those in need.

What is the history of Ramadan?

Ramadan is the remembrance and celebration of the month the Qur’an (the Muslim holy book) was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by the angel Gabriel, in A.D. 610. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is believed by Muslims to be the last Prophet, who received the teachings of Allah and who spread the Islamic faith after the Qur’an (believed to be the direct word of Allah) was revealed to him. It is during the same month of this revelation that Muslims celebrate Ramadan.

Part of the ancient Arabs’ calendars, the word Ramadan is the Arabic word for ‘scorching heat’ or ‘dryness’.

Since its origin in the 7th century, Ramadan has been a time for growing the bond with Allah. During Ramadan, Muslims do this through fasting, reciting the Qur’an and doing selfless good deeds. To celebrate Ramadan, communities will use colourful decorations and Fanous (lantern) to decorate and illuminate buildings and their homes.

When is Ramadan?

Being the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, the exact dates of Ramadan are different every year. The dates are different, as the Islamic calendar is based on the cycles of the Moon.

Instead, the way to know when Ramadan starts is by observing the phases of the Moon. The New Moon signals the end of an Islamic month, and so Muslims look to see the first signs of the growing Moon to know when to begin fasting.

How long is Ramadan?

But now that we have an idea of when Ramadan starts, how long is Ramadan? Ramadan typically lasts for 29 to 30 days, ending with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr and the beginning of the tenth month, Shawwal.

How is Ramadan celebrated/observed?

With the question of ‘how long is Ramadan?’ out of the way, let’s learn about some of the ways in which Muslims mark this special occasion!

Throughout the history of Ramadan, fasting between sunrise and sunset serves the purpose of demonstrating one’s devotion to Allah and belief in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Ramadan is a time for fasting (sawm), prayer, reflection and community.

As Ramadan provides a period of reflection and self-improvement, many Muslims attempt giving up poor habits and will read the whole of the Qur’an. Alongside this, Ramadan is a time for family and community, and people will spend time with loved ones and help those in need.

The self-discipline of fasting also reminds those taking part in Ramadan of the suffering of the poor and less fortunate. Throughout the history of Ramadan, it has been common practice to give to the less fortunate and donate to charity (Zakat) is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.

Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan with a celebration, the Festival of the Breaking of the Fast. Mosques hold special services to mark the end of the fasting and families and friends come together to eat food, share gifts and give to charity.

Read below interesting facts about Ramadan;

  1. Fasting happens during daylight hours

Ramadan is based on the lunar calendar and begins with hilal, which is the Arabic word for crescent or “new moon”. This happens in the ninth month of each lunar year. But because the lunar cycle steadily moves backwards, Ramadan falls earlier and earlier each year – moving back 11 days each time.

So during the summer months, days are hotter, making fasting more difficult. With daylight being longer, it means fasting for around 17 hours for people living in Europe – even more in places like Greenland and Sweden.

  1. There are two main meals eaten during Ramadan

Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. During this month, two main meals are eaten, daily. They are called suhoor (served pre-dawn) and iftar (served at sunset). Suhoor should be a hearty meal to provide the energy throughout a day of fasting. It ends when the sun rises and fajr or morning prayer begins. Some choose to sleep rather than prepare food and eat during suhoor.

  1. Dates are traditionally the first thing eaten at iftar

In adherence to how the Islamic prophet Muhammad broke his fast, a handful of dates followed by a glass of water are consumed before Maghrib (evening prayer) and the main meal. Soaking dates in milk overnight is a Middle Eastern iftar favourite. Some would eat dates followed by fruit or yogurt, which helps to kick-start the body’s metabolism after a day’s worth of fasting.

  1. Hunger-busting drinks are a big thing during Ramadan

These beverages are not only cooling, they also contain a lot of fibres, protein and antioxidants. In the Middle East, there is jallab (a sweet drink made from dates, rosewater and carob, usually served with pine nuts and raisins) and khoshaf (another sweet treat made of boiled dried fruits like apricots, plums, figs, dates and raisins and flavoured with rosewater). Malaysia and Singapore have millennial-pink bandung, which is a rosewater-flavoured milky drink.

Some ingredients may be difficult to get, so why not incorporate smoothies as part of suhoor or iftar? They’re equally refreshing, rehydrating and full of natural sugars, vitamins and minerals.

  1. Fasting during Ramadan is a must, but there are ‘loopholes’

On top of keeping thoughts pure, Muslims are required to abstain from eating, drinking and refraining from extra pleasures such as cigarettes and chewing gum from sunrise to sunset each day. However, there are some instances in which a fast can be broken.

According to the Quran, those who are unwell and/or taking medication, elderly, travelling, pregnant or breastfeeding, as well as children under the age of puberty, can forgo fasting – especially if it will negatively impact their health. A fast can also be broken if a woman is on her period. In all these cases, those who broke their fast can make up for the missed days of fasting.

  1. Despite the daily fasting, Ramadan is actually notorious for being a month of weight gain

The fasting and low activity levels during the day often give way to binge eating at night, which can result in slower metabolic cycles that may cause the body to store fat instead of burning it. Not only that, iftar meals are quite heavy and traditionally high in carbohydrates. So in order to maintain a healthy weight throughout the month, Muslims are encouraged to drink plenty of water, eat a diet full of fruits, veg and protein, and really try to wake up every morning for suhoor.

  1. Check local laws if you’re travelling during Ramadan

Although it’s not mentioned in the Quran, there are Islamic countries that have made it illegal for anyone – regardless of their belief – to eat, drink, smoke and even chew gum in public during daylight during Ramadan, to support Muslims who are fasting. Those seen as breaking the code can be penalised, either through a hefty fine or imprisonment.

These days, efforts are being made to accommodate people who are not fasting, and some establishments have closed-off sections where non-fasting people can eat and drink discreetly. However, it’s best to check the laws in each country about their approach towards Ramadan if you’re going on holiday during what Muslims regard as a holy month. Also, most restaurants in Islamic countries will be closed during the day and will only start operating after sunset.

  1. Iftar traditions vary in different countries

In some places, people keep it small and simple, and some will host iftar at an elder’s home like a grandparent or uncle. In other countries, such as the UAE, iftar is a feast with several courses. Dishes include traditional soups such as lentil, cream-based vermicelli and roasted tomato soup.

Other quintessential Ramadan dishes include various baked proteins (cooked tagine-style), as well as stuffed vine leaves, roast meat and kebabs. Desserts during Ramadan tend to be pastries soaked in honey syrup, such as baklava and kataifi (a similar treat to baklava made with shredded filo pastry).

  1. Ramadan is known as the month of giving

During this time especially, Muslims will engage in charitable acts such as donating food and money to those in need. It is an almsgiving known as zakat, which is one of the five pillars of Islam along with fasting.

  1. Eid marks the end of Ramadan

Eid al-Fitr, which means ‘feast of breaking the fast’, is a three-day celebration that marks the end of Ramadan. This begins when the new moon is sighted, and Muslims rely on news of an official sighting of the new moon rather than looking at the sky themselves. This also means that Eid dates differ around the world, although they are a day or two away from each other. It’s a massive event in the Islamic calendar.

Muslims celebrate with families and friends, and large meals are prepared.

Credit: islamonline.net


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