Feature: Ministry of Lands should intervene in Land Guard Crisis

The emergence of land guards has escalated conflicts over land ownership, posing a significant threat to peace and security in Ghanaian neighbourhoods. Initially employed to protect land, they have turned into illegal enforcers, vandalizing property and intimidating civilians.

This transformation has instilled fear among legitimate landowners, who constantly worry about the safety of their investments. Hired by opportunistic individuals, land guards unlawfully seize land, provoking violent confrontations and property destruction. The issue goes beyond legal and economic implications, affecting societal stability.

To uphold property rights and ensure stability, it’s essential to address the menace through a holistic approach that involves: the government, law enforcement, judiciary, and the public. Understanding the underlying causes is crucial to devising effective solutions that rebuild trust in land ownership and foster sustainable development of our nation. The criminal activities, of these guards, have dire consequences, leaving many Ghanaians facing emotional and financial hardship.


Land guards in Ghana engage in illegal activities primarily due to several underlying reasons. One significant cause is the prevalence of land disputes, which arise from unclear ownership, conflicting claims, and inadequate legal mechanisms for resolution. This uncertainty creates opportunities for exploitation by land guards seeking financial gain. Moreover, ineffective law enforcement and corruption within the judicial system contribute to the spread of land guard activities, as perpetrators believe they can act without consequence.

Another key driver is the socio-economic environment. High levels of poverty and unemployment compel individuals to seek livelihoods in activities such as land guarding, despite their illegality. Additionally, political and elite support often shields land guards from prosecution, encouraging their involvement in unlawful land activities for personal or developmental gain.

Traditional and cultural factors also complicate land disputes in our country. Disputes rooted in traditional leadership systems and cultural practices intersect with modern land laws, leading to complex legal and social challenges that can escalate into violence involving land guards.

Furthermore, rapid urbanization and development increase demand for land, exacerbating existing disputes and providing opportunities for illegal occupation by land guards. Combined with limited public awareness about land rights and legal processes, these factors create conditions ripe for misinformation and manipulation by land guards.

Economic and Social Consequences

Activities of land guards have far-reaching consequences. Economically, they deter property investments and hinder development. The threat of violent land seizures dissuades individuals and businesses from buying and developing land, stalling economic progress. This instability also deters foreign investors who perceive Ghana as a risky investment destination.

Socially, the menace of land guards erodes trust in the legal system and the government’s capacity to protect its citizens. When people doubt their government’s ability to ensure property safety, it fosters a sense of helplessness and disenchantment. This loss of confidence can lead to increased social unrest and diminish community cohesion as individuals resort to self-defence and vigilantism to safeguard their interests.

A Plea for Comprehensive Measures

To effectively address the land guard crisis, a comprehensive strategy is necessary. The government must demonstrate a strong commitment to eradicating this menace through sustained action. Key measures include:

Strengthening Law Enforcement: Invest in training and equipping law enforcement agencies to combat land guard activities effectively. Establish specialized police units to address land-related crimes.

Combating Corruption: Implement enhanced anti-corruption measures to hold accountable those colluding with land guards within the system. This demands internal reforms within law enforcement agencies and robust oversight mechanisms.

Legal Reforms: Enact stringent legislation that criminalizes land guard activities and provides clear property protection guidelines. Expedite the judicial process to resolve land disputes and reduce the backlog of cases leading to land guard hiring.

Public Awareness and Community Engagement: Educate the public on their rights and legal avenues for settling land disputes. Involve communities in monitoring and reporting land guard activities to curb this menace.

Technological Solutions: Implement modern land registration and monitoring systems to mitigate disputes. A transparent and accessible land registry that documents ownership clearly can impede land guard operations. Digital tools can enhance surveillance and prompt responses to land guard incidents.

The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources must play a crucial role in implementing these measures to effectively address the land guard crisis.


The land guard crisis is a complex challenge requiring coordinated efforts. The government must take decisive action to safeguard citizens’ property rights and re-establish trust in the legal system. Through a blend of enhanced law enforcement, anti-corruption measures, legal reforms, public education, and technological advancements, We can aim to eliminate this problem.

Immediate action is crucial for national peace, security, and development. By addressing the root causes and implementing sustainable measures, Ghana can create a safer, more secure environment for citizens, ensuring property rights are upheld, and economic progress is not impeded by the land guard threat.

By Wisdom Koudjo Klu



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