Editorial: Winneba Hospital Saga; Have We Lost Our Humanity?

Ghanaians are appalled about the alleged abandonment of a patient in a bush at Gomoa Ojobi in the Central Region by hospital staff at the Trauma and Specialist Hospital in Winneba. The Ghana Health Service has initiated an investigation into the incident.

The Chronicle would like to use this tragic moment to raise concern on the decline in the humanity of some Ghanaians. The alarming situation is that when people chance on a victim who is on the verge of dying, the first thing they do is bring out their phones and record to post on social media. Assuming the hospital staff reportedly dumped the patient, who was still recovering by the road side and left her to her fate, what about the residents in the area who saw her lying there for some days. Couldn’t they have offered help?

The Chronicle is of the view that if even the Winneba hospital staff were at fault, the woman could have been still alive if those who saw her lying by the road side had come to her aid. This incident raises profound questions about the state of our collective humanity and societal values.

This distressing event not only highlights potential failings within our healthcare system but also reveals a troubling apathy among those who witnessed her suffering.

First and foremost, if the allegations against the hospital staff are proven true, it represents a gross dereliction of duty and a breach of the Hippocratic Oath.

Healthcare professionals are entrusted with the lives of their patients and any action that jeopardises this trust must be met with severe consequences.

The Ghana Health Service has initiated an investigation and it is imperative that this probe is thorough, transparent and leads to accountability.

However, focusing solely on the healthcare providers, though necessary, is not sufficient. We must also confront the broader societal issues that this incident exposes. The abandonment of the patient did not occur in isolation. For five days, she lay by the roadside, exposed to the elements and vulnerable to the harsh realities of nature. During this time, individuals saw her plight yet no one came to her aid. This collective inaction is deeply troubling.

Former President Mahama drew a parallel to the biblical parable of the Good Samaritan, a story that teaches us the importance of compassion and helping those in need, regardless of who they are. The failure of passersby to assist the suffering woman starkly contrasts with the moral lesson of the Good Samaritan. It forces us to ask uncomfortable questions about our values and the society we are building.

As Ghanaians, we pride ourselves on being warm, hospitable and caring people. Incidents like this challenge that self-perception and demand that we take a hard look at ourselves. We must rekindle our humanity and reignite the flames of empathy and compassion that define our culture.

Education and awareness are crucial. From a young age, we must teach our children the importance of helping others and the value of every human life. Community leaders, religious institutions, and educational systems all have a role to play in reinforcing these values.

Beyond individual actions, systemic changes are necessary.

Our healthcare system must be robust, efficient and compassionate. Training programs for healthcare providers should emphasize not just technical skills but also the ethical and moral responsibilities that come with their profession.

The death of the patient at Gomoa Ojobi is a tragedy that should never have happened. It is a wake-up call for all Ghanaians to re-evaluate our values and our commitment to each other. As we mourn her loss, let us also take concrete steps to ensure that our society is one where no one is left behind, where compassion is the norm, and where every individual is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.


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