Editorial: Cleanest Region Ranking Campaign Is A Step In The Right Direction

A nine-member technical committee to oversee the ranking of the various regions as part of the Cleanest Region Ranking Campaign was inaugurated on Wednesday, September 3, 2024. It would be recalled that earlier this year, in February, Graphic Communications Group Ltd., in partnership with Zoomlion Ghana Limited, launched the Cleanest Region Ranking Campaign to encourage cleanliness and improve environmental sanitation across the 16 regions.

The nine-member technical committee have been tasked to rank the regions based on key indicators such as litter management planning, adequacy of cleaning logistics, state of community cleanliness, availability of a primary waste collection system, waste subscription rate, programmes of community education and sustainable waste management, among others.

The members are representatives from the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, the Ghana Health Service and the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development. Inaugurating the committee, the Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, Lydia Seyram Alhassan, urged the technical team to be transparent in the discharge of their duties, while calling on Ghanaians to support the sanitation drive with a change of attitude towards open defecation and urination.

This initiative is a commendable one and a step in the right decision. It is not just a competition but a crucial move to instill a sense of responsibility and pride in maintaining a clean environment across the country’s 16 regions.

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on assumption of office in 2017 pledged to make Accra the neatest city in Africa by the end of his first term of office. The jury is out there as to whether the promise has been fulfilled or not.

The Chronicle believes that the Cleanest Region Ranking Campaign will go a long way to achieve the elusive goal of making Accra the cleanest city in Africa.

Sanitation has long been a critical issue in the country, affecting public health, environmental sustainability and overall quality of life. Despite numerous efforts by the government and private sector, issues like open defecation, poor waste management, and inadequate sanitation facilities continue to plague many communities.

The Cleanest Region Ranking Campaign aims to turn the tide by fostering a competitive spirit among the regions, encouraging them to prioritize cleanliness and sustainable waste management practices. The technical committee, composed of representatives from various sectors, will play a pivotal role in this campaign. This approach ensures that the rankings reflect both technical accuracy and public perception, making the initiative more inclusive and representative.

The criteria for ranking litter management planning, adequacy of cleaning logistics, community cleanliness, availability of waste collection systems and sustainable waste management programs are comprehensive and cover the most pressing aspects of environmental sanitation. These indicators are not just metrics for the competition but also key areas that need continuous improvement if Ghana is to achieve its sanitation goals.

However, the success of this campaign hinges not only on the technical committee’s diligence but also on the active participation of the public. The campaign’s impact will be greatly diminished if it does not lead to a tangible change in attitude and behavior towards sanitation. Issues like open defecation and indiscriminate urination are deeply rooted in cultural practices and can only be eradicated through consistent public education and a collective commitment to change.

Moreover, the Cleanest Region Ranking Campaign should serve as a wake-up call to all regional and local authorities. It is an opportunity for them to assess their current sanitation practices, identify gaps, and implement more effective strategies. The regions that perform well in the rankings can serve as models for others, demonstrating that with the right leadership, resources, and community engagement, significant improvements in sanitation are possible.

This campaign also highlights the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors in addressing national challenges. The partnership between GCGL and Zoomlion Ghana Ltd is a prime example of how media and waste management companies can join forces to drive social change. By leveraging their respective strengths, they will ensure that the message of cleanliness resonates with the people across the country.


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