Duker charges mining coys to engage best technical heads

The Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources responsible for Mining,George Mireku Duker, has admonished mining companies in the country to engage the best of technical heads to ensure success in their mining operations.

The ore processing machine

In an interview with the press after his working tour of Gold Team Mining Company on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, he maintained that the recruitment of personnel with the right technical knowledge and experience is integral to the success of mining companies.

Mr Duker holding discussions with managemrt of the company

The Deputy Minister made this call after his tour of the company, which led to the realization of some shortfalls in the company’s operational capabilities.

Key among the observations made was the apparent absence of a security and safety plan, power supply issues, ore recovery pitfalls and apparent lack of Ghanaian representation in the management arm of the company.

To address these challenges, Mr. Duker implored on the management of the company to recruit a security person of high repute who will create an effective and enforceable plan for the protection of the company and its resources.

On the issue of ore discovery, he believed the technical expertise abound in the country to help address the problem. He also advised the company to exchange information and knowledge with fellow companies and industry players on how they surmounted similar challenges, which ones crippled their operations.

The Deputy Minister touring the facilities of the company

Duker noted that the Ministry through the Minerals Commission would make available engineers and experts who will offer quintessential and technical guidance to the company.

“We have spotted a few things that internally we will discuss with them and find ways of helping them. The Minerals Commission also has engineers who can help them so we engage more,” he said.

Overall, the Deputy Minister was impressed with the company’s commitment to protecting the environment and adhering to the principles of the license that makes their operations legitimate.

He was happy to have found that the company has over 300 Ghanaians in its book and also commended them for the harmonious relationship between them and the community in their catchment area.

Mr Mireku Duker in a group picture with the staff of the mining coy

He believes that with a little intervention of technical assistance and personnel the company will witness a huge rise in their productivity.

Mr. Michael Lee, the Managing Director of Golden Team Mining Company outlined some major social corporate social responsibility initiatives that his outfit has embarked and assured of their commitment to deliver more. He also highlighted some challenges and appealed to the Deputy Minister to help address those concerns.


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