Detained patient appeals for help to settle Gh¢7,269.89 to KATH

Rahinatu in confinement after her discharge

The Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) in Kumasi has detained a patient after she was discharged due to her inability to pay fGHc7,269.89 for surgery and treatment over a two-month period.

Rahinatu Sulemana, 34-year- old baker of Konongo, was referred to KATH on May 14, 2022 from the Agogo Presbyterian Hospital, following complications during delivery.

She had since undergone surgery and subsequently received treatment at the Transfusion Medicine of the Surgery Directorate of the facility, while on admission at the C4 ward.

Her baby had to be detached from her and sent home to be with the grandmother, Salamatu Sulemana, because her condition was deemed not convenient to be with her new baby.

She had had to undergo colostomy and various tests including liver and renal function tests.

On July 14, 2022 she was discharged pending periodic review of her condition. She is being detained at the ward and cannot go home because she has to settle a bill of GHc7,269.89.

Rahinatu Sulemana before admission

The husband, Kofi Mahama Mohammed, a corn miller, also from Konongo, has managed to pay a total of GHc3,200.00 in two installments of GH2,100.00 and GHc1,100.00 on July 26, 2022 and August 2, 2022 respectively, out of the initial bill of GHc10,469.89 leavingGHc7,269.89.

The Accounts section of the facility insists on full payment or at least the patient provides a guarantor to enable them consider discharging her.

According to an official hospital source, the hospital could waive the amount only after a social enquiry report had been issued by the Social Welfare Unit of the facility to confirm the patient is deprived and cannot raise the amount.

Meanwhile, the Social Welfare officer in charge of Ward C4 is reportedly insisting half of the indebtedness is settled and a guarantor provided.

While relations are making frantic efforts to raise the amount or make part payment to meet requirements of the facility for her discharge, Madam Salamatu Sulemana (mother of Rahinatu) has appealed to philanthropists, religious bodies and well-meaning individuals and the

general public to come to the rescue of her daughter.

A worried looking mother of the patient, said three weeks after Rahinatu’s discharge no help seems to be coming their way, apart from the GHc3,200.00 they managed to raise.

All donations can be channeled through the Public Relations  Unit of the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital.


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