Dame vrs Jakpa: Fireworks Expected In Court Today

Richard Jakpa, founder and Chief Executive of jakpa@business and third accused (A3) in the ongoing ambulance trial has, since May 23, 2024, been running a man-show about how Godfred Yeboah Dame, Attorney-General and Minster of Justice, wanted him to cooperate in his alleged grand scheme to jail Dr Cassiel Ato Baah Forson (A1), minority leader in Parliament.

Although the Attorney-General’s (A-G) Department through various news releases and interviews has responded to some of the allegations Mr. Jakpa has made, the two ‘combatants’ have the opportunity to confront each other today.

Alfred Tuah Yeboah, Deputy A-G and minister for Justice, had already served a notice during a brief interview with the media  last Thursday, June 13, that the prosecution will not allow whatever testimony given by A3 to  go  unchallenged.

According to Tuah,   the public would be marvelled when the prosecution team starts their cross examination.  “You rest it there and wait for our side of the matter and you will be marveled,” he told the media.

A3 through the lawyers of A1 (Ato Forson) successfully tendered into evidence a secretly recorded audio conversation related to the ongoing trial between himself and the A-G.

The Deputy Minister however believes the leaked audio will not have any significant impact on the matter before the Accra High because the content is already known and by far, they are not bothered by it.

From all indications, the prosecution may attempt to dismantle A3’s testimony with counter evidence during cross-examination before Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe, Court of Appeal Judge with additional duty of the High Court.

The court ruled on June 6 that it made no findings on the audio that the A-G was impressing upon A3 to cooperate with him to secure sentence against A1, but Mr. Jakpa, at the last adjourned date, went the extra mile to make a number of pronouncements on it.

Mr Dame, on the other hand, had been strongly advised by the court not to be directly involved in the case. It is, however, not clear whether after the A-G has accepted the advice, but he has not made any appearance in court during the last two sittings.

It is also not certain whether the A-G will be appearing today to conduct the cross-examination personally after A1’s lead counsel – Dr Abdul Baasit Aziz Bamba and Godwin Edudzi Tamakloe – had taken their turn to cross-examine A3.

Earlier, the prosecution requested to cross-examine A3 for four hours but the A-G personally prayed the court for additional hour, following the new twist.

The likes of Martin Kpabu, a private legal practitioner, had predicted things would be murkier on Tuesday than the prosecution was trying to portray.

Speaking on TV3 ‘The Key Point’ panel discussion on last week’s Saturday, Mr Kpebu claimed A3 would have a field day while the prosecution’s case will go from bad to worse.

Dr. Ato Forson and Mr. Jakpa were charged together with the former Director of Ministry of Health, Dr Sylvester Anemana who has been discharged on health grounds, for wilfully causing financial loss of €2.37 million to the state.


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