CSNF organise walk to mark cancer awareness month

The Cancer Support Network Foundation (CSNF) kicked off Cancer Awareness Month with a well patronised Cancer Survivors Walk over the weekend. The event, held on June 8, 2024 commenced at 6:30 am from Accra Girls Senior High School and concluded at El-Wak Sports Stadium.

The walk saw the participation of hundreds of cancer survivors, their families, medical professionals and supporters from all walks of life, coming together to celebrate resilience and promote awareness.

The walk is the first in a series of programmes organised by CSNF to mark Cancer Awareness Month, designated globally to raise awareness about cancer, encourage early detection and celebrate the strength of survivors.

After the walk, a total amount of GHC16,100 was donated to four cancer patients to aid in their treatment.

In an interview with Blaise Akom, Secretary of CSNF, he emphasised the significance of the walk and the month-long campaign.

“Today being the 8th of June, we’ve gathered here this morning to celebrate all cancer survivors. June is designated as Cancer Survivors Month and Cancer Support Network Foundation has designated this day to help celebrate these women. So we had a walk this morning just to let them know that they are not alone,” he stated.

Mr. Akom highlighted the importance of community support in the fight against cancer, addressing the stigma that often surrounds the disease.

“Most of the stigma surrounding cancer has been something that most people are shying away from. So we are encouraging them that they are better felt in the society. So they should be bold to tell their stories so that it will inspire others,” he added.

The event is aimed not only to celebrate survivors, but also to encourage regular cancer screenings and preventive measures.

“We try to encourage everyone to take their cancer screenings very seriously, especially with those ones that we can screen off. Don’t wait till you are hit by cancer. Cancer is just closer to us. Don’t think that cancer is far away from you,” Mr Akom advised.

Mr. Akom provided insights into the various types of cancer screenings that individuals should consider based on their risk factors. He stressed the importance of breast cancer screening, cervical cancer screening and vaccinations for HPV among children aged 9 to 14.

“Early detection is very key. When you see it early, much can be done for you. It’s not only about cancer then. We have millions of people who have survived the condition,” he said.

Additionally, he warned against lifestyle choices that increase cancer risks, such as smoking and the use of shisha.

“Smoking has become a common thing in the system, where about 69 chemicals have been found in cigarette that can cause cancer. And aside from those impacts, now they’ve tried to modernise smoking into shisha.

A session of shisha is equal to about 100 sticks of cigarettes. So there’s no safe method of smoking,” he cautioned.

The walk was a testament to the power of collective action and the importance of awareness in combating cancer. CSNF aims to make this event an annual fixture in Ghana, fostering a culture of support and proactive health measures within the community.

As the participants reached El-Wak Sports Stadium, the sense of achievement and hope was palpable.

The Cancer Support Network Foundation’s commitment to celebrating survivors and promoting cancer awareness was evident, setting a positive tone for the activities lined up for Cancer Awareness Month.


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