Confronting Your Fears

Fear is that unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm. Being afraid or the word fear emanates from how you feel and perceive a situation which all begins from the mind. Our mind is a very powerful part of every human being where our every action and reaction is first recorded in our minds before anything else.

What you think about is what you gradually become since your mind comes forth thoughts and thoughts translated into positive or negative action is dependent on you. Discipline is however required to be your minds trainer so you do not go contrary in doing what you are not supposed to do with your life. Our mind speaks fear and courage at the same time, choosing which voice to listen to in your head is what will either catapult you to your next level or lead you to remain at a standstill.

Accepting that you are afraid of something or a situation is the best resort to helping confront that fear. Think about it how do you solve a problem when you have not fully accepted the problem? Until there is an acceptance there can never be a remedy to curb the problem and everyone definitely wants a problem uprooted yet it requires the process of acceptance in order to process the steps in confronting whatever the problem is, it is so with fear until you have come to a place of acceptance and agreement that this particular fear is what blocks me from reaching or attempting my goals there is no possible way that fear can be removed.

First of all what is that fear that haunts you? What are the negative words that fear makes you believe? Have you accepted that you are afraid of how little or big that problem is? How willing are you to confront that fear? These and many more are questions you should ponder on and ask yourself. List these questions down and ask yourself providing honest answers for each.

Fear has a little voice that speaks ‘don’t attempt this, you are incapable, you will fail at this, this won’t go any further it’s only temporal don’t waste your time’ these and many other voices are heard within you and for a second makes you feel hopeless and lonely for a moment. The truth is there will always be voices in your mind once you decide to embark on something for the first time, it is, however, your decision to decide which of the voices to submit yourself to hearing. Would you listen to the voice of encouragement or the voice of fear that beckons? The fear of failing at something is what has lead many into believing that instead of failing at it to be mocked by others they are better of not trying at all in order to remain in their safe space.

Failure is not a limitation its a prompt and an alert that something didn’t go well thus when effort is being made towards it to make a second attempt there could be a possible turn around in events and one can be successful upon that attempt. Do not allow failure to limit you, stay strong and courageous. I came to empower you through this article to keep pushing even after you have failed a few number of times.

The fear of failure will make you a failure. The fear in you first of makes you feel incapable to attempt your next level once you feel incapable you do not attempt at all and not attempting at all makes you a failure because you have allowed fear to limit you. Face and confront your fears today, speak to your fears with positive words. That shyness within you is all in your mind, attempt it and fail at it you are a winner because you decided to attempt it.

Once there was an attempt and you were confronted with failure due to things that didn’t go in your plan that’s okay you are not the first to fail at it. Pick the lessons learnt from your attempt and go again the next time this time when you are attempting you are attempting full of confidence and experience because you are going well prepared as compared to your previous attempt and be positive that it will go well.

Fear cripples you and leaves you with that little voice making you question your worth and incapability. God did not bring you here on earth to come question your worth he knows who you are and that is the reason why he created you in his image he gave you an assignment and did not limit you  in attempting them he rather promised to equip us with strength in every step of the way so why allow  fear to dominate over your mind and life? Get up and attempt again.



1.Accepting and embracing your fears.

2.Writing down what fear does to you and how it makes you feel.

3.Do a self evaluation test on yourself asking yourself what you want to do with  your life and where you see your life in a few years time.

4.Take action on step 3 and start doing things fear stopped you from doing.

5.Begin to take charge and revolutionize your life.

6.Speak positivity into your own life words such as  “I can do it, fear will not and cannot stop me, I am capable”

Confront your fears today and don’t allow it stop you.Get up and break the chains of fear and confront anything life brings before you.You can do this.

Jaclyn Essien

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect The Chronicle’s stance.


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