Comptroller-General pays courtesy call on WaNaa

The Wa Naa, Alhaji Seidu Fuseini Pelpuo IV, sitting in state with some members of the Wa Traditional Council

The Comptroller-General of Immigration (CGI), Mr Kwame Asuah Takyi paid a courtesy call on the WaNaa, Alhaji Seidu Fuseini Pelpuo IV, the 34th Chief of Wa and overlord of the Wala traditional council during his duty tour of the Upper West Region.

The WaNaa thanked the CGI for taking time off his busy schedule to visit his palace. He also praised the Immigration boss for the good work he and his officers are doing to protect the borders of Ghana and making Ghana a safe haven.

The CGI and members of his delegation

The WaNaa referred to the Immigration Boss as both a son and a brother who always calls on him anytime he is in the Region and assured him of his continuous support and prayers and also encouraged the Comptroller-General to continue with the good works he is rendering for mother Ghana.

“Everyone knows the good works you are doing for the Immigration Service and the security of the country. You have my support and I will always pray for Allah to guide you and give you wisdom to do your work”, the WaNaa alluded.

He called on Mr Asuah Takyi to post more men to the region especially to man the many unapproved points to deter smugglers and miscreants from having a field day.

The Comptroller-General in his response thanked the overlord of the Wala traditional council Alhaji Siedu Fuseini Pelpuo for his immerse support to the Service in the Region and also his great leadership style which has contributed to the peace in the Upper West region.

The Comptroller-General addressing the Wa Naa

Mr Kwame Asuah Takyi assured the WaNaa that he has directed the Immigration Regional Commander and all border commanders in the Upper West Region to adapt an enhanced border patrol strategy to counter all such incursions.

Further to this and in the light of the death of an officer of the Service, strategies and protocols have been put in place to ensure that smugglers and miscreants won’t have an easy day to engage in their nefarious activities which are detrimental to the security of the State and has negative impact on the economy of the country.

The WaNaa and his Council prayed for the Comptroller-General and members of his delegation for a successful tour in the Region.

The Comptroller-General was accompanied on the visit by Assistant Commissioner of Immigration (ACI) Mr. Lawrence Agyei Agyapong, Chief Staff Officer, ACI Thomas Ewutorma, Head of Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, ACI Emmanuel Ashely, Special Aide to the Comptroller-General, ACI William Andoh, Upper West Regional Commander for Immigration, Chief Superintendent of Immigration (C/Supt.) Christopher Attivor, the Deputy Upper West Regional Commander and C/Supt Michael Amoako-Atta, Head of Public Affairs.


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