Civil Servant charged for sharing ex-girlfriend’s nude pictures

A 47-year-old Civil Servant, Teddy Tom Thompson, has been dragged to court for allegedly threading and sharing nude videos of a woman (name withheld) he dated for less than three months.

Thompson, who works with the Controller and Accountant General’s Department in Accra, allegedly recorded the woman in question without her knowledge. The Civil Servant allegedly took advantage of the woman, who also works in one of the government hospitals in Kumasi, during a phone sex act.

Thompson was put before an Accra Circuit Court, presided over by Mr. Samuel Bright Acquah, yesterday on the charge of threat to distribute prohibited intimate image or visual recording and non-consensual sharing of intimate image.

The charges are contrary to Section 67 and 68 of the Cyber Security Act 2020 (Act 1038), but he pleaded not guilty.

Mr. Acquah has been granted bail in the sum of GH¢20,000.00 with one surety, who is to deposit his or her Ghana Card with the court registry.


The prosecuting officer, Inspector Genevieve Ankamah, told the court that the complainant was a nurse in one of the government hospitals in Kumasi.

She narrated that the complainant and accused began their relationship in June this year, but due to some misunderstanding they fell apart.

The court heard that while having a WhatsApp video call, the accused engaged the complainant in phone sex, but recorded it without the latter’s knowledge.

After the break up, the accused then threatened to share the complainant’s nudity to disgrace her.

True to his word, the accused went ahead to share the nude recordings of the complainant to her friends, including witnesses in this case.

The complainant reported the matter to the police and the accused was arrested to assist in investigations.

Investigations confirmed that SIM number, 0277545956, which was used to distribute the nude pictures, was registered in the name of Teddy Tom Thompson.

Screen shots of the video and chats from the complainant’s friends were also obtained. The accused was, therefore, charged with the offences and brought before court.


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