The management of Citi TV has announced a significant rebranding, unveiling the channel’s new identity as ChannelOne TV. This strategic decision aims to provide a more identifiable and cohesive brand presence in the increasingly competitive media landscape.

The rebranding ceremony took place at the ChannelOne TV studio, formerly known as Citi TV, in Tesano, Accra, on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

Management believes the new name, ChannelOne TV, encapsulates its commitment to delivering top-notch content and positions it as a premier source of news, business and educational programming in Ghana and beyond.

The new logo for the station

The rebranding also promises an enhanced presence, a fresh perspective, an expanded reach and a commitment to excellence.

At the rebranding event, the Managing Director of ChannelOne TV, Samuel Attah-Mensah, shared insights into the reasons behind the change.

As we transition to ChannelOne TV, we are not just changing our name; we are embracing a new identity that reflects our commitment to innovation, excellence and connecting with our audiences on a deeper level.

This transformation represents a new drive to elevate our content, engage with our community in even more meaningful ways and deliver an unparalleled viewing experience,” Mr Attah-Mensah stated.

The event was attended by notable figures from the media industry, including the President of the Ghana Journalists Association, Information Minister Fatimatu Abubakar and Inspector General of Police George Akuffo Dampare.

Attendees witnessed the unveiling of the new logo, symbolising the channel’s fresh start.

ChannelOne TV will continue to deliver the high-quality content that viewers have come to expect, including news, talk shows, documentaries, and entertainment. The rebrand also promises new shows and segments designed to engage and inform a broader audience.

As ChannelOne TV embarks on this new chapter, it aims to solidify its position as a leader in the Ghanaian media landscape, providing viewers with an unparalleled viewing experience.

Bernard Koku Avle- General Manager of Channel One TV

Meanwhile the following is a letter addressed to its stakeholders by the management;

Dear Media and Advertising Stakeholders,

As Citi TV celebrates its sixth anniversary on June 4th, we are embarking on a transformative journey by rebranding ourselves as Channel One TV.

This decision was made with careful consideration and a deep understanding of the evolving landscape of television broadcasting. Channel One TV represents more than just a name change; it signifies our commitment to innovation, creativity and delivering exceptional content to our viewers.

As valued stakeholders in the media and advertising community, we wanted to take this opportunity to share with you the significant value that this rebranding brings to our organization:

Unique Identity: Channel One TV sets us apart from the competition, giving us a distinctive identity that resonates with our audience. This uniqueness will enhance our visibility and attract new viewers, ultimately benefiting our advertising partners.

Enhanced Presence: By rebranding, we are reaffirming our presence in the TV landscape and signaling our dedication to growth and evolution. This strengthens our position as a key player in the industry, offering increased opportunities for collaboration and partnership.

Fresh Perspective: The rebranding allows us to refresh our image and approach, keeping pace with changing viewer preferences and market trends. This fresh perspective will invigorate our content offerings, providing advertisers with new and exciting opportunities to engage with their target audience.

Expanded Reach: With Channel One TV, we are poised to reach a broader audience base, both locally and internationally. This expanded reach opens up new avenues for advertisers to connect with diverse demographics and maximize their campaign impact.

Commitment to Excellence: Throughout this transition, our commitment to excellence remains unwavering. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of quality in everything we do, ensuring that our partners receive unparalleled value and return on investment.

We are incredibly excited about the future of Channel One TV and the opportunities it brings for us to collaborate and grow together. Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we embark on this exciting new chapter.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us on 0249950680. Together, let’s continue to innovate, inspire, and make a meaningful impact in the world of media and advertising.

Channel One TV

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