CIMG Unveils Ghana’s First Regional Brand Index Report

The Chartered Institute of Marketing, Ghana (CIMG) has launched its maiden Regional Brand Index (RBI) Coffee Table Publication and the 35th Annual National Marketing Performance Awards.

Mrs. Nana Ama Poku, Deputy Managing Director of Corporate Resources at CBG, served as the Chairperson for the evening.

Dr. Kasser Tee, National President of Chartered Institute of Marketing, Ghana (CIMG), has described the CIMG Annual National Marketing Performance Awards as the longest-standing and most credible awards in Ghana, celebrating its 35th edition this year.

“We organise these awards annually to create awareness about the relevance of marketing for running successful businesses, promote higher standards for marketing performance and champion the interests of consumers,” Dr. Tee explained.

He was speaking at the launch of the maiden Regional Brand Index (RBI) Coffee Table Publication and the 35th Annual National Marketing Performance Awards in Accra recently.

Dr. Tee expressed gratitude to the numerous donors, sponsors and past awardees who have supported the CIMG awards over the years.

“We cannot tell the success story of the CIMG awards without mentioning our numerous donors, the support we receive in diverse ways from sponsors, the pride with which awardees receive and cherish our awards, and the solid commitment of the team of assessors,” he acknowledged.

The second part of the evening focused on the unveiling of the 2023 Ghana Regional Brand Index (GH-RBI) publication.

Dr. Tee highlighted the significance of this pioneering project, which aims to leverage research to promote regional brands within Ghana.

“The Coffee Table Publication we launch today encapsulates the rich diversity, vibrancy, and potentials of each of the 16 regional brands in Ghana,” he noted.

Dr. Tee urged regional leaders to strategically communicate and promote their regions’ unique attributes to create and nurture strong brand identities.

“It is imperative for each region to embark on a journey of deliberate and strategic communications to champion and promote their virtues as they strive to build resilient brand identity,” he said.

Mr. Andrew Egyapa Mercer, the Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture in his speech highlighted the multifaceted benefits of the Regional Brand Index report, emphasising its critical role in shaping policy decisions, tourism product development and attracting potential investors.

The minister underscored the importance of this report in providing detailed insights that will aid policy makers in understanding each region’s strengths and areas for improvement.

“A data-driven approach in policy making and intervention will significantly aid the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, and other governmental bodies, in formulating policies that are tailored to the specific needs and potentials of each region,” the Minister stated.

The Minister also noted that the insights from the index will facilitate the creation of more effective marketing campaigns that highlight the distinct attractions of each region.

Additionally, he said the Regional Brand Index will serve as an invaluable resource for investors, providing a clear picture of the investment landscape across Ghana.

“The launch of the Regional Brand Index Report is a significant milestone in our journey towards achieving a well-balanced and prosperous Ghana,” the Minister remarked.

“It underscores our commitment to recognizing and harnessing the unique potentials of each region, fostering inclusive growth, and promoting our rich cultural heritage and tourism.”

Mr. Theodore Osae, Vice President of CIMG and Chairman of the Awards Planning and Selection Committee, also addressed the attendees, emphasising the Institute’s dedication to maintaining high standards and credibility in the awards process.


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