Bridget Otoo investigated husband for drugs, sakawa and political ties before marriage

Broadcaster Bridget Otoo has spoken for the first time about how she inadvertently caused her now-husband, Dr Evans Ago Tetteh, to be subjected to a British intelligence investigation during their dating days. During an appearance on the KSM Show, Bridget shared how she first met Dr Ago through a friend and her initial impression of him.“It was through a friend, Fati.

She sent me a WhatsApp message saying her friend was interested in me; he had seen my picture on her WhatsApp status,” she recalled the events of 2018. She mentioned that her first impression of Dr Ago, based on his display picture, was not favourable.

“She gave my number to him, and he texted me on WhatsApp… I checked his WhatsApp DP, and saw this well-built guy having a good time, with a tattoo on his shoulder. As soon as I saw that, I thought, no, never,” she said.

Despite receiving his message in 2018, Bridget was hesitant to engage with Dr Ago, and it took about two years for them to finally meet.

He kept texting me, and I just said let me say hello to him again… This went on for more than two years; he kept saying, ‘I really want to meet you,’ and I kept refusing. Then during COVID, he kept pressuring me because I realised we lived close to each other. He kept pressing, and I said no, I am not going to be your COVID meal,” she recounted.

Upon meeting for the first time in September 2020, Bridget realised Dr Ago’s personality was very different from what she had imagined.Thus, she asked a friend with British intelligence connections to investigate him.



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