Biden imposes strict restrictions on asylum at southern US border

United States President Joe Biden has imposed new restrictions that would bar most migrants who cross the US southern border without authorisation from seeking asylum in the country.

The White House announced the new measures on Tuesday, saying that the US “must secure” its borders.

“They will make it easier for immigration officers to remove those without a lawful basis to remain and reduce the burden on our Border Patrol agents.”

The measure will prevent any migrant who crosses the southern border without authorisation from applying for asylum if the average number of unauthorised daily crossings passes 2,500.

CBS News reported last month that the average number of unauthorised daily crossings reported by the US Border Patrol was 3,700.

The new regulations will come into effect early on Wednesday and remain in place until the number of unauthorised crossings drops below a daily average of 1,500 for a week. The restrictions would be reimposed if the numbers increase again.

The decree makes exceptions for unaccompanied minors and people determined to be victims of human trafficking. While Biden has previously imposed restrictions on asylum seeking, Tuesday’s measures are the most sweeping curbs that he has placed on migration at the southern border.

The announcement comes amid Biden’s campaign for the presidential election in November, when he will face off against his predecessor and Republican rival Donald Trump.



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