Argentina’s far-right outsider wins presidential election

Argentines have elected far-right outsider Javier Milei, 53, as their new president.

With almost all votes counted, Mr Milei had won close to 56% in the decisive run-off, ahead of his left-wing rival, Sergio Massa, with 44%.

The radical newcomer’s victory has been described as “a political earthquake”.

It has been welcomed by like-minded politicians such as US ex-President Donald Trump, who said Mr Milei would “Make Argentina Great Again”. Brazil’s former leader Jair Bolsonaro said that “hope would shine again in South America”.

Sometimes dubbed “El Loco” (the madman) by his critics, Mr Milei has promised drastic changes, which include ditching the local currency, the peso, for the US dollar and “blowing up” the central bank in order to prevent it from printing more money, which he argues is driving inflation.



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