What are the benefits of Pawpaw leaves

Pawpaw or Papaya leaves contain unique plant compounds that have demonstrated
extensive pharmacological potential in animal and test-tube studies. Although there haven’t been a lot of human studies, many preparations from papaya leaves, such as teas, extracts, tablets, and juices, are commonly used to treat diseases and promote health in a variety of ways. many ways.

The following article will clarify more about the effects of papaya leaves.

Benefits of papaya leaf juice for skin and body When it comes to natural means of controlling health issues, we often think of neem, basil, dandelion, aloe vera and mint leaves. The new addition to this list is papaya leaf that has medicinal properties.

Even Ayurveda considers it an effective means to control a few life-threatening diseases. Though it might be difficult to consume leaves directly, it is advisable to consume it in form of juice. Read this article to know how to make papaya leaf juice and its effective health benefits.

How to make papaya leaf juice
First of all, take 5-10 fresh and tender papaya leaves. Wash them under the running water 5-6 times. Next, put them in the juicer jar and blend thoroughly to a smooth consistency. You can even use a blender to crush the leaves thoroughly. Strain the mixture using a
thin cloth or a sieve. Fill the fresh juice in glass bottles and refrigerate to use later.

Controls denguefever
Can Treat Dengue-related Symptoms One of the most prominent medicinal benefits
contained in papaya leaves is its ability to treat some of the symptoms associated with dengue. Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne virus that can be transmitted to humans and cause flu-like symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting, and a rash on the upper body. your skin.

Severe cases also cause a decrease in the amount of platelets in the blood. Low platelet levels can increase the risk of bleeding and potentially cause death if left untreated.
Although there is currently no cure for dengue, there are several treatments to control the symptoms of the disease – one of which is the use of papaya leaves.

Antimalarial properties
While nothing has been medically documented till date but experiments suggest that papaya leaf extract can effectively treat malaria. It has plasmodiastatic
properties that indirectly control malarial fever.

Aids digestion
Fresh papaya leaves are rich in papain, chymopapain, and essential fibre that when consumed in form of juice improve digestive system and control issues like bloating, heartburn, constipation and bowel movement.

Protects liver from diseases
Papaya leaf juice cleanses your blood by lowering the cholesterol levels. This lowered cholesterol level further minimizes lipid peroxidation, and the liver is protected from all sorts of free radical-induced inflammatory diseases, such as cirrhosis and jaundice

Good for skin
Papaya leaves for healthy skin Papaya leaves are taken orally or applied topically as a way to help you maintain a soft, clear, and youthful skin. A proteolytic enzyme in papaya leaves called papain can be used topically as an exfoliant to remove dead skin cells and potentially reduce the appearance of clogged pores. clogging, ingrown hairs and acne.
Furthermore, enzymes in papaya leaves have been used to promote wound healing, and one study found that they minimized the appearance of callus in rabbits.

Fights dandruff and hair fall
Papaya leaves support hair and scalp health Topical applications of masks and papaya leaf juice are often used for improving hair growth and scalp health, but evidence is Its effectiveness for these purposes is limited. Some studies also show that high levels of oxidative stress in the body can contribute to hair loss. Eating foods rich in antioxidants
can help you reduce oxidative stress and subsequently improve hair growth. Papaya leaves contain several compounds with antioxidant properties such as flavonoids and vitamin E.
Proponents of using papaya leaves to improve hair growth often claim that it is rich in nutrients.

Anti-cancer properties
Papaya leaves may have anti-cancer properties Papaya leaves have been used in traditional medicine practices to help prevent and treat certain types of cancer, but modern studies are lacking. Papaya leaf extract has been shown to strongly inhibit the growth of prostate and breast cancer cells in test-tube studies, but both animal and human experiments Do not repeat this result. Although the consumption of papaya leaves and other antioxidantrich
foods may play a role in preventing cancer, they have not been shown to have any healing powers.
Credit: vinmec.com


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