5 Principles to Successfully Living and Enjoying Life

Success usually comes to those who are too busy looking for it “Henry David Thoreau”

Here are 5 important key principles to successful living;

  1. Have a vision, a goal, target and purpose: Knowing who you are is enough for you to discover and truly understand why you exist on earth. A lack of purpose is missing the direction in which you are to follow in life. Knowing your purpose will help you soar higher out of storms since you know that one bad break in life is not a yardstick or an excuse to quit the race, the vision is where you want to see yourself one day and the hope that even though you are not there yet there is a sure hope that you will get there someday thus your hope is always built up because you know and believe in the vision. To be successful your goals and targets should always be your shield and encouragement. Once you hold them dear to your heart and ask for the Grace of God to help you fulfill each you are certainly on your way to achieving more and being successful.
  2. Learning: The act of understanding and acquiring the skills to acquire knowledge on a chosen subject. Learning is one core principle to successful living. Every individual has a goal or intended purpose for their lives and what they seek to achieve one day. As we grow there come days where we would wish to develop our learning skill which we can do in schools or learning a skill personally in order to develop ourselves and polish our craft. Without the acquisition of knowledge we may not know anything. To live a successful life and remain successful one must yield to the principle of learning.

Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow. “Mahatma Gandhi”

Learning requires effort and that effort if put into good use to acquire and achieve something out of the learning process it will all be worth it in the end.

  1. Hard work: you may not be able to achieve anything if you don’t put your mind to it. Effort is required in the hard work process. Effort yields significant results thus the absence of effort paves way for procrastination and laziness. Successful people work hard and have a vision they seek to achieve by a certain time period thus they focus their attention most of the time in remaining productive most of the time.

Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it.the trade off they’re making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that’s the difference Lou Holtz

Be a winner. You may be winning in your field now yet still strive to be better and achieve more. To be successful you need to put in the work in order that some day you can look upon your labor with joy because you are enjoying its fruits.

  1. Financially stable, emotionally intelligent and spiritually sound: Money is one thing that sustains us as humans, money provides our basic needs and helps us keep ourselves together in order that we may not be dependent on others. Without money life will be very difficult to live. Lately money is almost becoming everything from our daily source of livelihood to our all in all. With money one can invest in their ideas and skills and businesses, this will make your business and other projects thrive. Financial stability contributes to successful living with even the little one has that little can be put into good use, aid one to work hard to also attain and achieve more. By being emotionally intelligent we know how to relate well and connect with other people, we know how to show kindness and have others well being and mental health to heart. Showing kindness to others paves way for people to capture your good deeds into mind and recommend you to other great people who are going to help promote you, your business and your ideas to a whole new level. That one act of kindness can open doors for you.Continue being kind and do not grow weary while doing good.

Where does your source of hope come from? Who do you reverence above all else?I believe in the assertion that having a strong spiritual backing will help you in all your lives endeavors. You may wonder how? Our human strength may fail us sometimes. When we go through difficulty it is easy to lay back and say no more that we may never try this particular task again yet once we have a strong spiritual backing that keeps resounding  in our ears to keep going with the faith and hope that everything will work out in our favor it encourages us more. I believe God should be each person’s source of hope for he remains the greatest. Do not sideline God on the journey in life. Allow him order your steps so you do not walk on dangerous grounds. He will show you the way and lead you towards the right route to a successful life. I encourage you through this medium today to trust God, put your plans and everything in his hands.

  1. Perseverance: Doing something despite the delay or difficulty involved in achieving success.Life is not always sweet,bitter and sour days are part of life.They teach us lessons to be better in our next attempt not so that we hate life and everything in it to the extent of questioning your own existence, No. Rather these are good examples that happen in your life so you can learn and pick up valuable lessons from them all. Without perseverance you may give up on life soon.To keep consistent in staying focused to learn the persevering process you ought to focus more on the vision. How far away is it? How many steps more would you have to take to get to your expected end? Are you going to quite after how far you have come? Keep persevering and doing your best in life for this is required of you in your success steps. To be counted amongst successful people and enjoy the fruits of successful living you out to begin planning your learning, your hard work; your keys to financial freedom, emotional intelligence and have that persevering spirit today.

Jaclyn Essien


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