4 Ways to Reduce Allergens in Sensitive Skin Households

An allergen is a substance that can cause an allergic reaction. In some people, the immune system recognizes allergens as foreign or dangerous. As a result, the immune system reacts by making a type of antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE) to defend against the allergen. This reaction leads to allergy symptoms.


Common allergens include;

  • Animal proteins and animal dander
  • Dust
  • Drugs (such as antibiotics or medicines you put on your skin)
  • Foods (such as egg, peanut, milk, nuts, soy, fish, animal meat, and wheat)
  • Fungal spores
  • Insect and mite feces
  • Insect bites and stings (their venom)
  • Natural latex rubber
  • Pollen

Allergy season may come and go, but some allergens can hang around all year long. Allergens are present in our homes and take shape in many forms from dust to dog and cat dander and even certain chemicals and strong fragrances. For those with allergies, conditions like sensitive skin may become a recurring issue if you’re not taking the time to identify your triggers and reduce them as best you can. Here are four effective steps that can make all the difference for those with sensitive skin.

Wash away the day.

Common allergens like pollen, ragweed, and grass can attach to your clothes, skin, and even hair. Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Lian A. Mack says if you’re going to be outside for an extended period, “my recommendation is as soon as you get inside to remove your clothing and shower your hair and body immediately to get any of the environmental factors off your skin.”

This ensures that any allergens stuck to your person are effectively washed away and are not left to linger and cause a reaction. This is known as contact dermatitis, which is an itchy rash caused by direct skin contact with an allergen.

Get rid of the dust.

Daily cleaning and dusting aren’t always the practical approach, but there are ways to minimize the presence of dust mite matter and dog and cat dander without breaking out the cleaning supplies:

Keep household humidity to less than 50%.

Triggers like dust mites thrive in environments with higher humidity but cannot survive in drier environments.

Keep pets out of bedrooms and off furniture.

As much as you love your furry friend, their dander (skin flakes) and saliva can be problematic for those with sensitive skin.

Option for hard surfaces over rugs and carpets.

Unlike hard surfaces, rug and carpet material can hold onto all the previously mentioned allergens and many more irritants causing them to become airborne when walked on.

Fight strong fragrances.

It’s normal to enjoy a fresh scent when it comes to things like lotion, soaps, and laundry. Unfortunately, many of these products contain some of the leading causes of skin irritation for those with sensitive skin like alcohol and non-hypoallergenic perfumes and dyes.

Many people with sensitive skin may not realize that their laundry could be their biggest offender. Detergents and fabric softeners are used to wash clothing, bedding, towels, and many other everyday items that touch the skin—this is an important place to start for families with skin concerns. Look for detergents like all® free clear that are gentle on skin and free of perfumes while removing up to 99% of top seasonal and everyday allergens.*

Test it out.

If you’re uncertain whether a new product will cause your skin to react or not, try a patch test. Patch tests help determine if a product causes contact dermatitis. Dr. Mack says, “For a patch test, you can consider applying the product to a concealed area, maybe right behind your ear or your inner forearm.

Continue applying it for up to five to seven days to see if your skin develops a reaction.” The patch test is strictly designed to be done with products intended for use directly on skin, such as lotion. Do not apply products to the skin that are not meant for use directly on skin.

Source: webmd.com



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