Police working hard to locate missing NDC organiser

The Missing Persons Unit (MPU) at the headquarters of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has resorted to scientific investigation to unravel the mysterious disappearance of the Tema West Women’s Organiser of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Madam Paulina Lamisi, 42, a native of Sandema in the Upper East Region, on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 disappeared from their home at Sowutuom, Accra.

As the search to locate her intensifies, the newly created MPU, The Chronicle can say, is pursuing vital leads that may take Investigators not too long to bring the disturbing situation to finality.

The paper’s investigation reveals that the constituency women’s organiser got married to Apostle Elijah Arthur about four years ago.

On her part, she was blessed with an 18-year old daughter from a previous relationship, whereas the Apostle also had a son with another woman.

About two-and-half months ago, she unfortunately suffered a miscarriage, which would have been the only child between the couple. A family source who spoke to the paper, on condition of anonymity, states that just like in any marital situation the marriage cannot be insulated and that the immediate family members can attest to this circumstance.

The highly placed source further stated that the women’s organizer on the fateful Wednesday, June 12, 2024 allegedly picked her bag, together with a few stuff and left her matrimonial home.

A year into their marriage, the then Constituency Deputy Women’s Organiser was bombarded with a number of threatening text messages from unknown sources.

She was notified that, either she quits her position as the Deputy Women’s Organiser or her house in Sakumono would be burnt down. The threat was reported to the police for action, but no arrest was made. The house was eventually burnt down and till date there is no trace of the arsonist.

It is, therefore, not clear if her sudden disappearance has link to the earlier threats, which was carried out, or due to marital problems, according to the worried family source.

When The Chronicle contacted Apostle Elijah Arthur on phone the disturbed man of God appealed to all and sundry to volunteer any information in connection with his wife’s whereabouts to the police, who are working assiduously to unravel the mystery.

He stated that the wife travels to Lome and Lagos to purchase items to Ghana and even though he made contact with her partners in the francophone West African capital, there was no information on her movement.

Apostle Elijah Arthur added that, his effort at locating the wife was yet to be extended to Lagos, in Nigeria, for any lead to assist the police.

A source at the Police Headquarters intimated to the paper that Madam Paulina Lamisi’s phone has been active since the Wednesday that she left home, but the phone went off two days later on the Friday, June 14, 2024.

The source continued that the partnership with the telecommunications service providers is yielding fruits.

Stay tuned as The Chronicle in subsequent outings would bring you more on the search to locate the Tema West Women’s Organiser of the National Democratic Congress.


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